Ten Fantastic Facts About The History of Internet Marketing

As internet marketing grows at a rapid pace, it has accumulated quite a history. From email marketing to social media, every great historical story is bound to have some really interesting and fun facts. So, we have put together a list of some of our favorite internet marketing facts for your viewing pleasure!

1. The first email to be sent with an “@” symbol was in 1971. It was sent by Ray Tomilinson and the “@” symbol meant that the message was sent to a person rather than a machine (source: mashable). [Tweet This]

2. The first mass blast email message was sent in 1978 for DEC System 2020 (“world’s cheapest mainframe computer”) to 600 recipients. It was said to have not been received well at all (source: mashable). [Tweet This]

3. Al Pacino’s face was on the original Facebook homepage, back when it was known as The Facebook. The site’s homepage featured a mans face, which was apparently a manipulation of an Al Pacino photo (source: mashable). [Tweet This]

4. The commercial “1984” launched the Apple Macintosh computer during the Super Bowl. It was directed by Ridley Scott and a great example of early event marketing (source: Advertising Today). [Tweet This]

5. The original name of Twitter was actually Twttr. A few months before Twitter launched, the founders decided to change the name and rebrand (source: bitrebels.com). [Tweet This]

6. Google’s first ever tweet was sent in 2009. It was binary code for “I’m Feeling Lucky”, which is the button next to the search button on Google (source:OMGFacts). [Tweet This]

7. Gmail.com was once owned by Garfield and was being offered as a free email service (source: Tech Republic). [Tweet This]

8. The first email was sent in 1971 by two computers sitting right next to each other. The content was thought to say “testing 123” or “QWERTYUIOP” (source: onlineschools.org). [Tweet This]

9. One of Facebook’s early integral features was a file sharing service called Wirehog. It was taken offline due to piracy concerns (source: mashable). [Tweet This]

10. Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, and Katy Perry have more Twitter followers than the entire population of many countries, including Germany, Turkey, South Africa, Canada, Argentina, and Egypt (source: mediabistro.com). [Tweet This]


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