What Skills Will You Need for the Future Workplace? 6 Thought Leaders Weigh In

skill workplace

The workplace is changing fast, and while sometimes it feels like we can barely keep up, it’s vital that we’re prepared for the future too.

More knowledge workers are entering the workforce and there are new uses of technology that make managing work easier. But, the workplace of the future will likely require even more new skills and technologies.

See our post "3 Ways to Get Work Automation to Work for You (Not Against You)" for insight into one of these new technologies.

Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with five thought leaders and ask them what skills and technologies they think we need to prepare for the future of work.

The experts were:

Here’s what they said.

What skills and technologies should we be acquiring now to be prepared for the future workplace?

“Better communication skills will be vital
“Creativity and abstract thinking are the hardest things to automate, so they are the best human skills to have in the future.
“Looking after data and information. We are creating more and more data every day. Across the world more data has been captured today than yesterday. It is growing and getting bigger.
“Personally, I think we should all be required to understand Agile principles for managing our individual workloads."If everyone had a Kanban board and we all respected individual WIP (work in progress) limits we could get so much more done with so much less stress.“The complexity levels of the modern workplace aren’t going down any time soon, so we might as well learn how to manage them as best we can, and Agile practices are simply the best way to do that.”—Andrea Fryrear
“If you’re going to tap into that data and help translate it into information and then translate it into knowledge, you have to have that digital literacy but also have this numeracy.

These thought leaders feel that honing skills that can’t be automated—interpersonal communication, creativity, and abstract thinking—will be essential. They also predict that work management skills and the ability to interpret data will become even more valuable in the future.

Check out "Get Ready for The 4 Challenges Shaping The Future of Work: News From The Best of Leap 2017" for more on the future of work.