Supporting Colombians in need.
Compensar gets aid into the hands of Colombians faster with fully digital workflows using Adobe Acrobat Sign.

Emergency grant subsidy applications processed in a month during the health pandemic
Streamline processes for subsidy, credit, and other welfare services
Create a positive experience for affiliates and members with 100% digital processes that support signing from anywhere
Maintain the security of documents with sensitive information during the processes carried out by affiliates
Implemented 70+ Adobe Acrobat Sign use cases in one year
During Covid-19, quickly implemented 35 Adobe Acrobat Sign priority use cases deemed by the government as emergency subsidies
Electronic signatures helped to speed up and improve processes for affiliates and members
Human Resources optimizes operations, completing digital onboarding packages in 2 hours instead of 8 hours
The COVID-19 pandemic will go down in history as a year full of changes and challenges that have put fundamental values such as solidarity, responsibility, and resilience to the test. Compensar Caja de Compensación Familiar, a private non-profit social protection entity, was ready to face this challenge. For 42 years, the organization has worked closely with individuals and their families to improve their quality of life and reach their dreams.
One reason that Compensar was ready to take on the challenges of the pandemic was its commitment to innovation and digitization projects, including working with new channels and digital processes to better serve Colombians.
“The idea behind our digital transformation was simple,” explains Angela Andrea Fajardo Moreno, Service Channels Executive at Compensar. “We had strong digital channels, and we were working with digital workflows internally. We just needed to bridge these two together.”
One of the biggest barriers to digitizing experiences was the amount of paperwork requiring signatures. Whether looking at lines of credit, subsidies, or employment training, applicants often needed to sign off on documents. Then Fajardo Moreno and Sebastián Jimenez, Service Channels Executive at Compensar, heard about Adobe Acrobat Sign, the e-signature solution within Adobe Document Cloud. Adobe Acrobat Sign combines the speed, security, and simplicity that Compensar needs to create fully digital workflows to better reach members.
“With Adobe Acrobat Sign, we transform processes throughout our organization by making them more efficient and accessible than ever,” says Fajardo Moreno. “In less than a year, we’ve rolled out more than 70 use cases, supporting workflows that improve the quality of life for members and processing paperwork that in total provided millions of pesos for Colombians in need.”
Speed, savings, and security with Adobe Acrobat Sign
With Adobe Acrobat Sign, signing electronic documents is fast, easy, and most importantly, highly secure. Audit trails provide a clear record of who receives a document, when it’s opened, and when it’s signed. Additional data such as IP addresses provides more information to demonstrate the authenticity and integrity of electronic signatures. Since documents are sent directly to a signer’s email address, electronic documents are also much more confidential compared to papers that can get easily misplaced or misdirected.
During a pilot, Compensar focused on two other potential benefits of Adobe Acrobat Sign: speed and savings. Rather than starting with high-volume, public-facing customer documents, the pilot focused on supplier contracts. These contracts could get lengthy and complicated, up to 200 pages long with more than a dozen signers. As a result, it could take two months before the contract found its way back into the hands of the legal team.
With Adobe Acrobat Sign, contracts are automatically routed to signers, leading to contracts returned in as little as 28 minutes. Even the most complex contracts with 17 signers were returned in just two weeks.
The pilot not only improved turnaround times, but it also demonstrated significant resource savings for Compensar. The legal team didn’t need to spend time printing, managing, or storing documents, saving 270,000 sheets of paper and hours of time for the legal team.
“The pilot showed that Adobe Acrobat Sign met all of our needs for fast, efficient, and highly secure electronic signatures,” says Fajardo Moreno. “By starting with a legal contract, we demonstrated that Adobe Acrobat Sign not only holds up to the most complex and demanding use cases, but that it also has the confidence of our legal team.”
“Adobe Acrobat Sign allows document processing to be faster, safer, and easier. Our affiliates and members can electronically sign documents from any device, anywhere in the world, without leaving home. This allows us to improve their experience in just one click.”
Angela Andrea Fajardo Moreno
Service Channels Executive, Compensar
Better serving customers and employees with digital workflows
In less than a year, Adobe Acrobat Sign use across Compensar has grown tremendously, including use by business teams, human resources, procurement, and technology. Fajardo Moreno has helped lead the charge deploying an average of five new initiatives a month.
“I was a complete novice when it came to e-signatures, but Adobe Acrobat Sign was so easy to set up and integrate into other systems and tools,” says Fajardo Moreno. “The Admin Console gives you a wonderful overview of how everything works together from one intelligent interface.”
The e-signature workflows boost internal efficiencies for many internal teams. The human resources team, for example, previously spent long days organizing onboarding information for new hires. The onboarding packet was 17 pages long and typically filled out in triplicate, so an admin might spend all day printing and organizing packets for multiple new hires. Now they can send onboarding documents to any number of hires in less than two hours.
Efficiencies also affect regular paperwork, such as confidentiality agreements. All employees must re-sign a new confidentiality agreement every year. With the bulk signature feature in Adobe Acrobat Sign, human resources can send the confidentiality agreement to all employees at once. When the agreement is signed, it is automatically attached to the employee’s account, providing a clear record of signature.
But the most important change with digital workflows is the benefit to members. Before, members would need to visit the Compensar office, possibly multiple times, to submit paperwork. Any additional information or corrections to an application would mean an extra trip.
Another benefit to members has been the integration of Adobe Acrobat Sign into a chatbot based on WhatsApp. Using the Adobe Acrobat Sign APIs, Compensar integrated Adobe Acrobat Sign with a WhatsApp chatbot that obtains all necessary information for paperwork in a fluid, conversational way. The chatbot then automatically populates the Adobe Acrobat Sign form based on information obtained during the conversation. This integration offers an easy and intuitive electronic signature experience that can be completed on a mobile device.
“Adobe Acrobat Sign allows document processing to be faster, safer, and easier,” says Fajardo Moreno. “Our affiliates and members can electronically sign documents from any device, anywhere in the world, without leaving home. This allows us to improve their experience in just one click.”
“With Adobe Acrobat Sign, we provide greater support when Colombians need it the most.”
Angela Andrea Fajardo Moreno
Service Channels Executive, Compensar
Facing a global pandemic
The speed and scalability of Adobe Acrobat Sign stood out during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Thousands of Colombians lost their jobs due to the pandemic and needed access to additional support. And due to closures and movement restrictions, people also needed to submit applications digitally.
With Adobe Acrobat Sign, Compensar was able to react efficiently and quickly by implementing 35 initiatives with electronic signature during the health emergency. The digital transformation helped to reach members with emergency subsidy funds from the government. The emergency subsidy aimed to alleviate poverty, food insecurity, and other hardships by providing additional cash to workers who lost their jobs in the midst of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.
Implemented in three days with the support of the digital media team and a strong response from affiliates, Compensar received 6,000 emergency grant subsidy applications in the first two days, with around 80,000 applications received in the first month. The organization helped more than 1.2 million people with more than $220 million USD delivered through different subsidies with $28.9 million USD distributed in emergency subsidies alone to benefit more than 49,500 people in Colombia.
“While Adobe Acrobat Sign improves internal efficiencies, the most important part is how it affects members,” says Fajardo Moreno. “Digital workflows allow us to reach people faster and more easily. With Adobe Acrobat Sign, we provide greater support when Colombians need it the most.”