Budget and expense management

Connect budgets to the work that’s working best and optimize ad spend for your highest performing tactics — all without having to wait for the post-mortem.

Budgets with aligned and clear visibility hit their targets.

Marketing budgets and spend are under more scrutiny than ever. You need real-time visibility into budgeted, forecasted, and actual spend alongside how these activities are performing. With the agility to quickly reallocate unspent dollars and capacity across projects, you maximize the impact of your limited resources.

Misalignment between a project’s budget and execution is a problem that continues to plague marketers, managers, and executives. When a project is overextending your teams’ allocated hours, corrective action is necessary. This is difficult with a manual process of updating spreadsheets, running reports, and passing your findings up the ladder. Marketing organizations must be better at connecting their financial plans to the execution of work to keep up and drive sustainable profitable growth.

Workfront allows you to close the loop between budgets, plans, and actual spend. This interface is easily accessible to all stakeholders who need the numbers — internal teams, vendors, and network teams. Native capabilities let you manage and track hard and soft costs, project costs, and resource costs. Our partnership and integration with Anaplan — a cloud-native budgeting, planning, and forecasting platform – optimizes your top-down marketing budget allocation, bottom-up spend management, and performance tracking. Finally, you can connect all this to virtually any financial system of record using Workfront Fusion.

Giving your teams a single place to connect their work, spend, and performance gives them agility to maximize marketing’s impact as priorities and circumstances evolve.

See what makes it work

Hard- and soft-cost management

Give your teams a detailed look at how much they should spend on every campaign, whether it’s time spent creating assets, additional budget available for outside vendors, or dollars spent on specific ad placements.

Independent decision-making

With visibility into stats like burn rates and asset or placement performance, individuals can take initiative and optimize their efforts without needing to pour over reports or gather everyone in a room to make a decision.

Connected teams and tools

Work in a personalized, intuitive application that integrates with your preferred financial tools.

Optimized in-market spending tools

Easily reallocate the budget of in-market executions based on data from changes in the market, strategy, and resources at your disposal.

Motivated, informed teams

Direct reports can understand how their work connects to the financial plan and company strategy, giving them the power and incentive to focus their efforts on the highest-value work.

With Workfront, Anaplan helps you flip change into an advantage.

Anaplan’s platform lets customers model “what-if” scenarios, contextualize current performance in real time, and forecast future outcomes for faster, more confident decisions. Its users can rapidly pivot strategies, redeploy resources, and optimize plans for growth, efficiency, demand, and profitability.

Learn more about Anaplan


Break down data silos with Workfront Fusion

See how simple it is to integrate all the applications in your technology stake and freely share data between them.

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