[Music] [Stefan Gentz] Good morning, everyone. I hope you're awake - and caffeinated and ready to go.

And I hope - you didn't party too long last night.

My name is Stefan Gentz, and I'm the Senior Worldwide Evangelist - for Technical Communication at Adobe, and I'm with Adobe for about seven years. And the product we - are talking about today-- I know that product - from the very first idea when we developed that product. So I have a long history with it. And with me today on stages - is Mashell Cox. Hello, Mashell. [Mashell Cox] - Good morning, everyone. I'm Mashell Cox. I am-- Let me fix this a little bit. The Vice President of Product Management - at Fidelity Investments for associate-facing content. And you're probably like, - "Okay, what is that?" I will tell you a little more about that - once Stefan has shared his slides. And Welcome. Thank you for joining us this morning. At 8 o'clock on time. On time. Yeah.

That was my biggest worry - that I would oversleep also for such an early morning session. Anyway, let's say hello - to Adobe Experience Manager Guides. That's our solution - that we are talking about today. And let me start with a quick video that explains the concept - and the product in about 2.5 minutes.

Digital transformation means new ways - to engage with customers while streamlining internal processes. But what happens when the rest - of the organization gains agility while US content professionals - are left behind playing catch up with legacy tools and processes? While your marketing colleagues benefit - from dynamic digital experiences, personalization, and targeting, your documentation and support content continues to be delivered - as static PDFs or web pages, which are limited on mobile devices - and hardly searchable, leading to poor inconsistent - customer experience. As product variants increase and content complexities - and translation costs rise, content quickly leads to discontent. Sound familiar? It's time to transform - your content operations. Say hello - to Adobe Experience Manager Guides, a cloud-native component - content management system that enables you to manage product, help and support content - from creation to delivery. It manages content at a granular level by breaking it into smaller chunks which become the single source of truth, are easy to update globally, - and can be reused across documents, versions, releases, and translations. This allows you - to easily scale content creation and accelerate content delivery while providing consistent - engaging experiences across touchpoints. Experience Manager Guides extends the market leading - Adobe Experience Manager platform to product documentation, - user guides, self-service help, support content, and knowledge bases, allowing you and your marketing colleagues - to manage all of your digital content, pre-sale and post-sale, on one platform. It also helps your IT leaders - reduce total cost of operation by optimizing costs associated with managing CMS solutions - from different vendors. Maximize productivity - and allow your content teams to consolidate legacy content to a single standard - using the ingestion engine, author structured content - using the simplified web editor, collaborate in real-time - with distributed teams using web-based review, keep track of changes - with advanced version management, deliver relevant content by leveraging structured content - and metadata, reduce localization cost and work hours - through automated translation workflows, publish natively to Adobe Experience - Manager sites and PDFs, use publishing engines and REST APIs to deliver content - across other platforms and channels, and take advantage of Adobe's AI engine, Adobe Sensei, to power content management. Native integration - with Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Experience Cloud Apps give seamless access to digital assets, while enabling advanced content analytics - with better targeting. If you want to simplify - your content management and power customer experience - with a single platform, and are looking for a robust, scalable, - and agile solution, your search ends - with Adobe Experience Manager Guides.

There your search ends and here we start.

So we are asked often where does that thing AEM Guides fit - into the AEM ecosystem and to give you a quick idea-- Of course, you all know probably sites, the web front end so to say, - or the web content management system, the ecosystem. And assets where you manage all your digital assets - and AEM Guides also-- It's on top of assets. So everything that we're managing there - becomes an asset in AEM Assets. And of course, you might AEM Forms - and you might know AEM Screens, the digital display solution for on-site. And you might know - that Adobe Learning Manager, very interesting product - by the way as well. You should look at that - at the Adobe Booth. And where we fit in here with Guides is this path there as a component to content management solution.

Component Content Management Solution - means, it's not - a classic content management system where you have big blocks of content - with big documents or so, but you break down the content - into smaller channels. Excuse me. Can we do something about the sound? Thank you. You break the content down - into smaller channels, and then recompile them and deliver some bigger piece of content, - simply said. It's based on XML. There's an XML architecture behind that. This architecture is called DITA, D-I-T-A, that's the Darwin Information - Typing Architecture. So it's in the way of structuring content and taking content - with symmetrical elements and attributes - so that you have more possibilities, for example, - for personalizing the content, delivering it to many different channels maybe customizing and tailoring - the content for different audiences, platforms, countries, whatever you might need - to personalize that content. And if we look - at the typical content landscape in an organization, of course, we all know marketing content and we know the nice marketing websites - and brochures and all that. But there's a lot of other content - created in an enterprise. And we often just think about marketing, where we think - about experience management, but when we think about - experience management, there's a lot of other content - that customers are interacting with. Customers can be content consumers, - it can be external customers, but they can also be internal customers - like support agents, whatever, the legal department and so on. And we create a lot of content here - in the sales department there we talk about contracts - and agreements. We have the Human Resources Department, - compliance, training, documentation of policies - and procedures and things like that, RFPs, there's the finance and legal department with accounting policies, - regulatory guidelines, legal guidelines and things like that. So there are a lot of content - happening in the background, which might not even be customer-facing, but it has to be managed and versioned - and maintained in way as well, maybe even translated. And of course, - there's the customer support where it becomes really customer-facing with a customer service support portal, internally again - standard operation procedures and we have FAQs, - we have knowledge bases, support databases for customers - where they interact with the product. And of course, we have all this big field - of technical documentation of products. If you are a medical device manufacturer, - you have large technical documentation. If you're a financial organization, - you have documentation of the insurances, for example, - our investment authorings, etcetera. You can tell more - about this later Mashell. So there's a lot of - customer-facing content as well. And this all needs to be managed. And there was a gap in the AEM ecosystem that where AEM sites could do some of it, but maybe not everything. And assets was also not really - an authoring solution, it's for an asset management solution. And then we said - there needs to be an authoring where you can manage - all this kind of content. Which is not exactly marketing content, - but I call it knowledge content. Where you can manage - all the knowledge content of the company in a good solution - in the AEM ecosystem in the cloud. And so typical use cases - in the manufacturing, for example, product documentation. You have things - like technical documentation, user and training manuals, troubleshooting and maintenance guides, - installation and support guides, user guides, product catalogs, technical specification documents, - and things like that. And in the self-service help - and support area, you have things like support portal, or you have self-service help. And maybe you want to integrate chatbots - so that customers can access information more easily and find the right answer. And we all know - how that chatbots can work. And we all made our experience with that. But with structured content - and with AEM Guides, you can do chatbots that really answer questions - in a professional way for customers and guide the customers - to the right answers. You can pull out small snippets - as an answer from a document instead of just rooting the customer - to some help and support pictures on. So a lot of possibilities for the self-service help - and support content, and that can help you reduce the number of support calls - and can reduce money that the enterprise has to spend - into supporting customers because you can help the customers - to help themself better. And it's all in the cloud. So let me walk you - through a couple of these features to make it a little bit more tangible, - what you can do in AEM Guides. First, I would like to start with a powerful project - and workflow management, so you can set up complete workflows, how something happens with your content, about the whole content - life cycle basically from starting creating the content, - maybe reviewing the content, maybe translating the content, - maybe publishing the content, having several approval - and similar processes in between. What you see here - is a small section of such workflow where some content is split - across multiple reviewers and then consolidated together - into one review result, which is then finally approved - by the legal department, for example. So these reviewers - can work together there. And you can drag and drop these workflows - very nicely in AEM and assign people to them. And when one step is completed, it can be handed over to the next person and they can start working it again, an email notification - and bell notification in AEM etcetera. So you can build these workflows to-- Yeah, create a workflow - that basically fits into your business process. That pictures your business process - in a visual way just by doing a drag and drop, - very easy to do that. And there's a full built-in web editor. So basically, you can say goodbye - to Microsoft Word because you can do all the authoring - in the cloud, in the browser. You create - all the content of your enterprise, maybe not exactly marketing content, - but all that knowledge content, you can create - in this powerful web editor, it's browser-based, - the authoring experience is very simple, you click into start typing, etcetera. But there's, of course, - a lot of powerful features behind that that you can access - with smart panels on the right side where you can just mark up a paragraph - and say, "This is for my internal audience, - and this is for external audience, or this is for US audience, and this is for Canada, - and this is for Europe, or so." So you can personalize the content, - take the content, mark the content app - for different use cases that you might have - or think of product variance, or if you think - of a financial contract or so, where you have a certain paragraphs that only apply - to a certain customer group or so, you can take the content - with this kind of metadata, so to say. And then publish - to different output channels depending on that specific use case - that the customer has. And there's - a full translation management built-in. So for all of you - who are dealing with translation, you will love that - because it tracks everything in the background. So let's assume - you create some new topics, some new knowledge article or so, - some new contract. And then the system knows, "Oh, it doesn't exist - in the target languages that you have defined for this market." Then you shoot it - into the translation workflow in there, all these connectors in AEM to translate with all the big translation solutions - out there. And once it comes back from translation, - it becomes green, it becomes in sync - with the source language. But if you maybe change something - in the source, and the translation gets out of sync because it's outdated then, then the system will automatically - notify you about that and you will see, "Oh, this one topic that I changed there is not up to date - in the target languages." And you can just reshoot it - into the translation workflow. So that makes your life so much easier when it comes to translation - and managing many, many languages. And a lot of companies have to do - with a lot of languages. I know company - who's translating into 69 languages and imagine how difficult it is - to manage these languages without such a solution.

And of course, - there's version management built-in. So whenever you create content - and create a new version of that content, new version is created - in the assets management system. And you can always compare these versions - and see the history of content and especially if you're dealing with, - let's say, legal content, it can be very powerful and very useful - to have that I call it an audit trail where you can see - the history of the content, who created the content, who made a comment to change that content, who implemented that change, - who proved that content, and who finally published that content. So we always see - the full history of the content and see what happened - when and where and by whom? And you can also roll back - in the history of the content. And say, "Okay, maybe - that was a bad change that we did there by adding that comma and then roll back - to one version earlier." Or you could even create - multiple versions of content, for multiple versions of a contract maybe. And then you can publish - two different versions of that contract based on these versions - that are built-in there. So it's not just change tracking thing. It's also a version management thing where you can manage multiple versions of the same information units, - so to say.

And there's a seamless web-based review - and collaboration possibilities, so you can invite reviewers - to collaborate with you on that content. And they can start making comments-- They basically get an email notification - from you through the system where you set a deadline and make some comments - and instructions for them. They get an email notification. They start reviewing the content and the author can even see - these comments coming in real-time live in the commenting in the review panel and can chat even - with the subject matter experts or with the reviewers in real-time. And once done, the author can just - incorporate the changes with one mouse click - into the document itself, into the content. And we have a native Adobe PDF - cloud publishing engine. So what you know from as a PDF plug-in from PowerPoint or so, and Word, and many other solutions, - desktop solutions, we have brought that to the cloud. So today, you can create content - from these documents in the cloud. So it converts the content - in the cloud to PDF. There's a nice style designer where you can build your templates - in a visual way and draw the boxes and so and make placeholders - where your content could go in and build that template for PDF publishing and then just hit the button - and you get a nice looking PDF.

And we built in a lot of AI features, one example here is smart tagging where AEM Guides scans content - in the background and makes suggestions for you - to add text to them in AEM Assets so that you can easily search - and find that content. And it's basically - scanning the content that you are creating and hosting in AEM Assets, and then suggesting - to add Smart Tags to them so that you can, yeah, filter the content more - and find the content more easy also in AEM Assets. And we're also doing a lot of-- Yesterday, on Monday, at the Adobe Experience Makers - event here in The Mirage. We had a nice show where we showed what we're doing with AI and AEM Guides - right now like auto-completing sentences - for the author and suggesting how the content could continue - or making suggestions like, "Hey, you have already started - writing a sentence, but there is already a paragraph that is explaining - what you're trying to explain right now, I mean, but you're phrasing it - a little bit differently. Do you really want to write that content - that way and recreate it from scratch on?" Maybe just reference the content - that is already there. And make it more consistent - with the existing content, which can help you - in setting translation costs, it can help you - with consistency of content, etcetera. So a lot of things - we are implementing there. And making smart suggestions how the author could improve the content - and things like that. There's a lot that we're doing with AI at the moment in AEM Guides - for knowledge content. And you can, of course, - publish that content. So you can publish it to AEM sites, - you can publish it to PDFs, you can publish it to EPUB, you can it even to Amazon Kindle - if your target user group is using that. So there are a lot of output channels. There are APIs available for our content - as a service. So there are a huge range of possibilities even if you think about IoT - and Industry 4.0 scenarios, where you might want to use that content - in new ways and push the content out to, let's say, Salesforce Lightning as a Knowledge Base - or to ServiceNow or so. So there are a lot of possibilities - what you can do with your content basically with the click of a mouse button - to publish that content into all kinds of output channels.

Headless content delivery, - of course, content as a service - and things like that, IoT platforms. And here's just to finish that up, - a quick overview, web-based content creation, - structured content management, AI-powered content management, web-based review and collaboration - with subject matter experts, and this content delivery part - with omnichannel content delivery and omnichannel content experiences. I don't go through all these - small bullet points here there, but you will see it in the PDF that you can download - from the Summit portal there.

If you want to learn more, we have the Adobe Booth - in the Community Pavilion, so feel free to reach out to us there. I will be there for the whole rest - of the day and tomorrow, and we'll be happy to answer - your questions about AEM Guides. And with that, over to you, Mashell.


Well, good morning, everybody. All right. Thank you, Stefan, for giving us - an overview of AEM Guides. I'm going to take you - on a little journey. But before I do that-- Let's see if I got this click - or working right. Oh.

Yes. All right. So I guess, if you were in the session on Monday, - this will be a repeat. So I'm just going to go ahead and put a caveat out there that I'm going to be - sharing the same content. So-- - Oh, don't go, hopefully.

But I am going to take you on a journey of how we looked - at our content management situation and decided what to do next. So just to give you - a little background about myself, I am the VP of Product Management - of Associate Facing Content. So when I said that earlier, did you all start having ideas - of what is associate facing content? Anybody has a guess what that is? General manager. There you go. All right. So when you have the need - to call us 1800 Fidelity, and I don't think that's a number, - but I'm just throwing it out there. There are some great people - who answer the phone and it's my team's responsibility to make sure - they have the right information to give them what they give you all - what you need when you call. I had the pleasure meeting - some of our customers do out the conference. And I appreciate the feedback. And I would definitely take it back. But to give you - a little background about me, I have been at Fidelity since 2016. And but before then, I had the pleasure - of working at other tech companies. And I know you were like, well, - for now it is a financial company. But before I started out in HP, then I moved over - to Sabre Airline Solutions and from there on to Fidelity. So you're probably thinking - there is no connection between any of those industries, - especially travel and finance. And you have a point, - but at the end of the day, it's all about content and getting people the right content - at the right time. So on with our journey, I kind of thought about giving this - a theme of Lord of the Rings. And, yes, - I am that Lord of the Rings geek. And just like Lord of the Rings there, you had the Orcs, the Elves, the Men, - the Hobbits, the Wizards, everybody, but one thing they had to do was they all had to come together - for a common goal, and that's pretty much sums up - how you would think about our journey. So I'm going to go into - what some of our challenges were, when we were moving into this world - of Adobe Experience Manager with Guides.

Okay, I know many of you have heard this. Content is king. And for some of you, you may say queen. And just the other day, I heard something - that if content is king or queen then, context is the kingdom, right? But you have to ask yourselves, do you have the content - management system that you need in order to take you to the next level of the expectations - around content? And I know that's a mouthful, but one thing that we did identify - is that we were not ready because there were - multiple content authors using multiple different experiences. And not only were they using - multiple different experiences, all of those different systems, - we're on different platforms, in the cloud, on-premise - using different content formats. And the one I like to highlight the best, and my stakeholders - are right here in the front, so they're going to keep me honest. The collaboration was manual until this day - and we're still on a journey, so I don't want you to think - we're done with this journey, right? But in the final part of that is whenever you start working - on certain systems, if you didn't build it - in the last three years, it's probably already obsolete - or end of life. But I'm pretty sure some of you - may be looking at content systems that are at least 20 to 30 years old. And people are like, well, - what's wrong with it? The content is there. We can use it, - but that is not probably a platform that's going to take you into the future.

So you probably ask yourself why select - the new content management system. Well, definitely, these challenges are what's going to prevent you - from getting to where you want to go. So as Stefan was listing out - some of the issues, right, all those different groups who had sales, - you had HR procurement. Well, just like any company, when you have - multiple groups or whatever, they're going to be challenges and silos. And so with those silos and challenges, you have to determine - how are you going to proceed. So you may determine this time - to do what? Go to RFP, RFI. And I know some of you're like, - "Okay, you're right." And once you do that, the best thing you could do for yourself and your company is to identify - your criteria for picking the solution that you need. And you want to be clear - in that criteria definition.

So I'm going to let this fill in - on the screen.

One of the things we knew for sure is that we wanted - an easy content management system, something that our authors can go in and author in something - that was word like, something they did not need - to know source code to actually produce the content. The other thing too is we wanted a system that was easy to maintain - that can self-heal self-correct because the worst thing that can happen - is something happens, it goes down. You didn't even know - what was going to happen, and then you're stuck. The next component is structured format. So this is key. So as Stefan was showing - how AEM Guides brings things down into these bite-sized chunks. Well, those bite-sized chunks - can be reused anywhere. We have this term that we use - and there's also a term that the regulators expect us - to understand, which is WORM. Anybody ever heard of WORM? I see some head nods in the audience. Right? So those of you don't know - is write once read many. And when you write it that once, you better make sure - you keep every version.

Next, on this journey, we couldn't do it along - without our architects performing some form - of a technology review. Understanding is the solution - in the cloud, is it easily maintained in the cloud? Are there things - around the whole security, as well as platform stability - that we need to be aware of? And also the vendor reputation - in the market. Take that time - to talk to those reference customers. They're going to give you a lot - about the vendor, things that you can probably find - and print, and things you cannot find and print, but at least you would go - into the situation with your eyes wide open.

Now if you're like us, you have a lot of content - in your legacy systems. So be mindful - of your content migration, right? You want to ask yourselves, is this really a project - where you want to take all your content and rewrite it brand new and a new system or have an efficient way - to migrate it over into the new system? And I joke - about this findability and navigation. You want something - that people can find things and you may say, - "Oh, it has to have a great search." Well, something can have - a really great search but not return great search results. So you've definitely - got to be mindful of that because we're in a world where we have people using technology that comes from all different generations. I have the pleasure of having I don't - know what it is, what is Abby, a Gen-Z'er? Excuse me. On my team now, and I'm telling you she's opening my eyes - to a whole new world. And I think about it - because some of us started out. The very first search engine out there - was what like Vista? Okay, yeah. You see, - nobody's Vista searching, like, anymore. No more keyword searching. They want to type in things, like, - how do I? What is a? And you got to have criteria around what you expect your search engine - to provide you capabilities on.

And then the next one there - is user analytics. Go in upfront understanding the data - you want to capture about the users of your system because that's really going to help you - when it comes to personalization. I can't stand it when I've been dealing - with a company for years, and I get some communication that says, - "Dear, Mashell." And then two weeks later, - I get a communication, "Hello, value customer." Okay, who are you talking to? Are you really talking to me? Or you want to just do - a mass communication? The point is, don't leave user analytics - gathering to the end. And I know - that the lessons learned overall for a lot of us - when we start these projects. We're so eager to get on the platform and learn everything that we can do in it. And then we're like, "Oh, well, let's figure out - what the users are doing." Well, start with that question upfront and it's going to make the implementation - go a whole lot better.

So once you define these criteria, right, you're going to have - a whole bunch of features, right, that you got responses back on your RFP. So now let's take a little bit of time in going through some of the features that were key in selecting a vendor.

All right, so first one here, - you have to start with governance. One of the challenges - is when you have multiple people in multiple organizations and groups, they have been using - different systems for years, there's going to be - some adoption-Aint's, right? And there's going to be - a whole lot of pushback. And I think, my favorite word and probably - a keyword I use probably the most throughout our transition was the word no. Everybody you just say no. It feels so empowering. Now the first few times I said it, - I wasn't, I didn't feel empowered, right? But after a while, if you come with no and we can do this. Because sometimes they're going to be - those trade-offs, right? You may not be able - to get this particular thing, but look at all the other things we're going to be able to achieve - and have by moving to the system. The next is around - content metadata management. Now yesterday in the CEO discussion - with Eli Lilly, one of the things he mentioned - was that someone years ago actually put good tagging - on all the molecules, right? So that's helping them today. I can't tell you how important it is - to tag your content properly. That is so key. It tells everyone what this content, - what this topic is, what it does, who owns it, - and who can use it? Because remember, you're building a platform that can go out - to many different channels.

Now I would like to focus - a little bit on version control. So Stefan gave you a nice little pretty view - of the version control, but version control in our industry - is so important. I don't know if you all have heard - of this little company, not little company, - a little regulators called FINRA. Oh, wow. See, wow. You get me. So for those of you who don't know, that is the Financial Industry - Regulatory Authority, and they have all these wonderful rules about what you have to do - with your policies and procedures. How long you have to retain them, how easy it is to produce them - when they're requested on demand? So at least with AEM Guides you have the good way - of that version control. I want to talk - a little bit later of how you extend that because I don't want anyone - to run out here and think that you can keep - the required retention period in AEM because not there yet, but that would be a great thing - to put on the road map.

Okay, and next, we have collaboration, - workflows, and notifications. One of the things that we are looking into - and rolling out, and you would want to focus on this too - is, okay, you have this system, it can do everything - in the content management lifecycle all the way from ideation, creation, - review collaboration to publishing. So the collaboration across the groups who do that is key - because I guarantee you that if you like us, your content owner and your content writer - are not the same people. Not even the same group. Not even the same skill set, okay? So that's one of the key things having a single system where people can go in - collaborate on content to get it ready to go out to the masses. And that is facilitated - by having a great workflow to facilitate this content life cycle. And then the next thing - you want to make sure is when certain changes - are made on that content, notifications are sent out. Oh, this content was just updated. Maybe the owner should be notified.

Next, - features are around the content editing. Like I said before, we wanted-- And you may want a word - like editing environment. And the next thing around - not only about editing this content is all the next thing - is about content health. We're in a regulated environment and our system - is expected to have appropriate health, and you're probably wondering what kind of health - can you have on content? Well, first thing is, does it expire? Does it require reviews in an interval - of a one-year, two-year, three-year cycle? And those are key attributes that you want to maintain on that content because that's going to tell you - the health of the content. That's one side - from a regulatory perspective, but the other side, you get health information just based - on your user interaction with it, right? And you want to have that feedback - into your content life cycle and to those appropriate people, - the owners, the writers, so they can fulfill - the next step of that process.

And also, when you're writing content, you've seen it in all the forms - that I've been and even like the nice demo - of some of the new solutions that Adobe are coming out with. You got to have your content available so it can be seen on any device a tablet, a computer, and iPhone, - or Android phone, and no, I'm not partial to one over the other. I just moved to iPhone recently. So I would have stayed - on BlackBerry forever. That should tell you - just how I am with change.

And then you ask yourself, okay, so is one thing to have your content - available on any device? Next, any experience? See, that's the key thing. Everyone's talking about - now experiences, experiences. You want to make sure - that, okay, ask yourself, do you really want people to have to come to your site - to get what they need? Or do you want to flip the switch? You say, "Hey, I want to look at something that's content as a service - where I am pushing my little snippets, right, my little small chunks of content into the experiences - that they should be in, right?" So the person, they don't have to go into a separate tool - to actually get that information.

All right, so findability, no matter what you searching for - is the key. And there are some things - that we found in AEM that has helped us a lot - in this particular area. So think about, if I say, 529. Who knows what that is? Oh, wow. Okay. Yes, right. Because I forgot. I got some friends in this room. Well, for those of you who don't know - what that is, that's college savings plan. And when you're bringing in new people into the organization who are not familiar with these terms.

And you're training them up. You definitely want a system that can help them correlate what some of the industry terms are to what some of the everyday vernacular - turns out there people use, right? And next, like I said, finally, the user analytics because you want people to feel like - you know them, and you should - because they use your system every day. That's one of the criteria - I keep telling my team. We know these associates. We know these people. They use this every day. So let's capture the right information. So the next time - they come back into the system, they know that we know them and we're giving them content - in a way that they prefer. And then this is this last box here - document archiving and retrieval. So this is an area where I was mentioning - about those regulatory requirements. So this is an area - where you may have to extend beyond the capabilities of AEM just to maintain - the regulatory requirements here.

So when you look at this overall, - this is our ecosystem.

And it's made up of a lot of components. But at the end of the day, this is kind of - what you really need to say that you have a true end-to-end content management system - to meet the requirements that are expected of content. Not only for today, but of the future - because I had a conversation with my boss's boss the other day. And we were talking about - content and chatbot and all those things - of where we provide information, and he's like, - "Mashell, just think about it." We have a generation of kids today - who can't even write in cursive. Just think about - what the generation's going to be, the next one's going to be like, they're not even going to be able to go - to websites and type something in. They're going to want to look at it - through some nice cool glasses and see everything - about that particular object, or content, or information. That's where I challenge you and even myself and my team members - that are here to start thinking about, it's not about everything - that we have to do today, right? It's things that we need to do today, plus what we need to do - to prepare for the future. [Music] -

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