

Digital Commerce Maturity – Leaders Deliver Revenue Growth

About the Guide

Differentiated experiences are driving today’s global eCommerce growth

The need for differentiated customer experiences is ever increasing due to significant disruption occurring across B2B and B2C industries.

In February 2020, before widespread lockdowns due to COVID-19, 451 Research completed an Adobe-commissioned global study of consumer manufacturers across a number of markets including the US, UK, Germany, Spain, Australia, Brazil, France, and the Netherlands.

This report clarifies the growing role digital commerce maturity plays in delivering exceptional customer experiences, with data-driven analysis of key findings including:

Continued monitoring of today’s most critical digital commerce trends by 451 Research reinforces the long term importance of digital commerce development as significant societal changes occur globally across both B2B and B2C industries.

Marketo Configurator Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 16:03
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