
The Future of the Learning Experience

The learner experience is somewhat of an enigma for most organizations — somewhat akin to engagement where they know they want it but they’re not sure exactly what it is and how to get it. For most, a learner-centric learning environment consists of an easy-to-click user interface and good smile-sheet scores. But that is really just a tiny piece of the overall experience.

It’s a lack of alignment and no connection or contextualization for the learner that causes the biggest problem and results in outcomes not being met (if they are able to be measured in the first place). Learning ends up feeling disjointed and separate from the job, keeping people from being actively engaged in their development. Additionally, learners haven’t been given enough opportunities to practice and apply the skills they are supposed to be developing. Learners can’t see how the learning relates to them, their job, or their goals. This becomes seen as a lack of development opportunities — a leading cause of voluntary turnover among younger workers.

This is all occurring at a time when learning is being recognized as a critical strategic function for the business, whether it is upskilling or reskilling employees, building high-performance sales teams, or engaging customers. In Brandon Hall Group’s Transforming Learning and Development for the Future of Work Study, 62% of companies said that business leaders believe L&D is either highly important or critical to the success of the business.

The pandemic has also put the learner experience into sharp focus. Companies must be able to create and deliver compelling, engaging learning experiences that are meaningful to both the business and the learners and drive performance outcomes. This eBook looks at some of the trends that will shape the learning experience of the future.

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Marketo Configurator Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 12:32
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