Take charge of building customer trust.
Building customer trust has never been easy, but in the 2022 Adobe Trust report we learn that “57% of consumers say that once a company has violated their trust they will never give them their business again.” In the past, companies could win trust by making products and services people wanted. But increasingly customer trust is being earned or lost online. Discover how the digital economy has become personal, and why the C-suite’s number one job is to build customer trust and loyalty.

The importance of customer trust
Trust is important in everything we do. Especially in how we do business. But how are brands stacking up? And what role can the C‑suite play in winning customers’ trust and building brand loyalty?
Building customer trust in a digital economy is essential for any business to succeed. But how is this achieved? Adobe has teamed up with marketing leadership expert and former McKinsey partner Thomas Barta to create a trust guide for CEO’s that points to three factors that matter for trust building online: Value, Experience, and Confidence.
And there are three questions that the C-suite needs to address. Is value better elsewhere? Is the experience better elsewhere? Are customers confident firms are handling their personal data well?
What does trust mean for your customers?
In the 2022 Adobe Trust Report executives said their barometer for success was ‘financial performance’. For customers, trust means business too.
Executives say trust is measured by financial performance.
Customers who are concerned about how their data is used.
Consumers who say they’ll stop doing business with a company when trust is broken.
Executives who believe customers are concerned about how organisations use their data.
Building customer trust is a team effort
When it comes to personal data it’s evident the C-suite aren’t on the same page as their customers. It’s often been said that trust needs to be built at home first. It’s a team effort. The guide will explain why elevating trust across the organization, within every department and at every level – as well as externally with customers, should be the C-suite’s priority. Drawing on a wealth of resources and third-party research, you’ll get a holistic view of why trust is vital in ensuring the business delivers on customers’ expectations, and provides customers with personalized experiences when and