
Deliver pay-TV content on any device with the Emmy Award–winning solution that powers 99% of pay-TV households in the United States. Subscribers are watching TV everywhere, anytime. And they expect to be able to watch with easy access. For you, that means managing subscriber access across the entire TV Everywhere ecosystem — meaning hundreds of possible access points. With Adobe Pass Authentication, programmers and pay-TV providers only need to do a simple integration to gain access to the entire TV Everywhere ecosystem. Adobe Pass Authentication makes it quick and easy for your customers to access the right content — whenever they want it.


See what makes it work

Abstract diagram of an Adobe Pass omni-channel streaming process.

Customizable authentication experience
Meet affiliate compliance guidelines through APIs that allow you to control your subscriber’s authentication experience.

Single sign-on
Let your subscribers get to the content faster. Viewers can sign on just once to watch videos across multiple channels, sites, and apps.

Home-based authentication
Never let forgotten passwords stand between viewers and content. When subscribers access from their home, they can be logged in without requiring a password.

Seamless viewer experience
Don’t let provider technical issues hurt your subscriber viewing experience. In the event of provider technical issues, automatically bypass the authentication process to let customers watch their content.

Learn more about Authentication in Adobe Pass.

Tablet screen showing the Adobe Pass user interface.

Kickstart Authentication.

Learn how Adobe Pass helps programmers and pay-TV providers can get authentication up and running.

Learn more