How marketers can embrace data, cut costs, and drive growth in an era of transformation and agility

How Marketers Can Embrace Data, Cut Costs and Drive Growth in an Era of Transformation and Agility

We are living through an era of continuous change. Customer preferences are evolving by the minute, and companies must be prepared to continuously evolve in kind and at speed. But organizations are struggling to adapt at the speeds needed to overcome uncertainty. In fact, Accenture research shows that 95% of global leaders believe their customers are changing faster than their businesses. To keep up and make enduring connections, marketers must embrace data, cut costs, optimize new ways of working, and drive growth in the process. Without a meaningful, sustainable marketing transformation, brands run the risk of losing out to more agile competitors, and ultimately losing relevance.

The future of marketing creativity requires a completely new approach. Against that backdrop, we’re heading to Adobe Summit 2023, embracing change and inspiring attendees to move forward on the path to agility, customer connection, and transformation. Because we do believe that value comes from change (#LetThereBeChange).

Accenture and Adobe aren’t just talking the talk. We’ll demonstrate how we’re walking the walk by co-developing new content supply chain capabilities designed to help marketers accelerate personalization at scale through more efficient creation, production, and distribution of effective content. Our transformation — guided by a strategy of pivot, maximize, and realize — is unlocking efficiencies and spurring creative and financial growth.

Many brands use content to share their perspective and bring their collective brain power to life. This is complicated by the exploding number of channels, markets, and formats. Marketers are challenged to efficiently produce ever-personalized, dynamic, and optimized customer experiences — while managing siloed systems and looking for growth.

To meet those challenges and be in command of our content at Accenture, we started our own marketing transformation — digging into our strategy and looking across plans from every dimension of the business to create the best and most client-centric content plan. We combined our expertise in process improvement, change management, and marketing with Adobe technology, creating a content supply chain approach that assesses the content landscape and identifies areas ripe for optimization. In other words, pivot, maximize, and realize.

  • Pivot: We optimized our digital backbone by pivoting on building our track record of digital and brand excellence, seamlessly moving everything to Adobe’s best-in-breed cloud platform.
  • Maximize: We maximized the benefits of Adobe’s creative management suite, taking full advantage of its future-proof scalability to evolve our core digital capabilities, reducing load times on and improving user experiences. We stood up a new digital asset management solution with Adobe, streamlining our content flow and creating one source of truth.
  • Realize: We realized this change by updating how we work, exchanging disparate solutions with Adobe Workfront, and mapping resources to priorities for greater employee collaboration, workflow management, and asset tracking. By connecting digital asset management with Accenture’s own SynOps platform, we’ve been able to generate new insights to align content to relevant campaigns and deliver them through the right channels based on audience preferences.

This winning strategy has made Accenture marketing and communications more aligned, connected, and digitally empowered than ever before. We have immediate transparency, showing us where our campaigns are performing, how they’re aligning with business priorities, and how they’re tracking against budgets and resources. And digital asset management has given us an end-to-end approach to content production that not only saves time and money but frees up our people to do what they do best and let creativity shine.

By bringing together the people, tools, and workstreams necessary to plan, create, manage, and deliver content faster and more efficiently, we’ve been able to increase speed to market and campaign relevance. And that improves audience experiences. It’s a game-changer for Accenture — as we help clients become the next best version of themselves — and the goal of every brand.

Visit Accenture’s booth #619 at Adobe Summit North America 2023 for industry experience transformation demos in CPG, retail, automotive, banking, and healthcare. Join our Content Velocity session S708 on Wednesday, March 23, from 2:30 to 3:30pm (PDT) with Penelope Prett, Emma McGuigan, and Elise Cornille.

Jill Kramer is the chief marketing & communications officer at Accenture.

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