Powering online relationships.

Constellation’s digital experiences shine with new online services created with Adobe Experience Cloud.




Employees: 10,000
Baltimore, Maryland


Increases conversion**** to enrollment, moving customers through the sales cycle efficiently


Engage and convert more visitors with custom content and personalized relationships

Improve agility by allowing managers to create and serve content themselves

Scale to meet the needs of growing business and new acquisitions


Increases CONVERSION to enrollment, moving customers through the sales cycle efficiently

Improves mobile LOAD times to engage more customers quickly

Leveraging platform SCALABILITY and development expertise with Adobe managed services environment

EMPOWERING teams in a distributed authoring model improves self-service and personalized content


Foundation for digital evolution

The energy market is evolving. Emerging battery, solar, and renewable energy technologies are bringing households and businesses more and smarter options for power. In response, energy companies must continue to adjust how they deliver useful information and services to customers in a changing market.

Constellation, an Exelon company, has built its reputation on building excellent customer relationships and service. As one of the largest integrated energy providers in North America, the company serves millions of homes and business across more than 16 states and Washington, D.C. For the company’s residential and small business customers, the Constellation website is often the go-to resource for information and support.

“We’re entering a new era where digital is now central to how we attract and engage customers, and build lasting relationships,” says Michael Cammon, Director of Digital Marketing & Development at Constellation. “We needed a digital infrastructure to advance the way we cultivate customer relationships in the mass market.”

The company’s existing content management system (CMS) was too complex and technical for most content authors to use without assistance from the technology team. Cammon’s five-person digital marketing group wanted to focus on big picture strategies for customer acquisition and retention, but they instead spent a great deal of time handling online content requests for internal teams.

“Looking at the growth projections for our business, we needed a scalable CMS that was so easy to use that people closest to our products could develop and deliver digital information without IT support,” says Karen Jennings, Principal, Digital Marketing at Constellation. “We adopted Adobe Experience Manager, an Adobe Marketing Cloud solution, as the best match to streamline customer journeys to generate more leads and sales.”

By deploying Adobe Experience Manager and selecting other solutions from Adobe Experience Cloud including Adobe Target, part of Adobe Marketing Cloud, and Adobe Analytics, part of Adobe Analytics Cloud, Constellation is creating a digital foundation that will not only transform how content is created, but also allow the company to stand out in the market by delivering personalized experiences.

“Adobe Experience Cloud allows us to collect vital data and act on our insights to provide more personalized customer journeys.”

Karen Jennings,

Principal, Digital Marketing, Constellation

Imagining a new web experience

The most important goal for Constellation’s digital transformation is to enroll more customers more efficiently. To do this, the company needed a solution that was easy to work with across different teams and disciplines. Working with digital agency R2i, Constellation redesigned its website to better address the needs of residential and small business customers. Adobe Experience Manager was chosen for its flexibility to allow Constellation to build new sites quickly and to integrate with an e-commerce solution as the company expands its services over time.

Constellation enlisted Adobe Experience Manager Managed Services to streamline the IT workflow and speed time to market for new websites. With Adobe helping to take care of the IT layer and configure systems to comply with complex regulations around energy sales, the company’s digital marketing and product teams can focus on delivering the best possible experiences for customers.

“In addition to organic growth, over the past several years we have made several acquisitions, by which we inherited many web systems,” says Jennings. “Adobe Experience Manager helps us quickly migrate everything digital into a single system to reduce costs while improving performance significantly.”

In addition, Adobe Experience Manager supports responsive website designs that display accurately across mobile devices. Constellation no longer has to manage multiple website versions, and the mobile upload times improved dramatically after deploying Experience Manager. The goal is to process several tens of thousands more web-based transactions over 17 states or 61 territories annually, as website experiences and accessibility continue to improve.

“We adopted Adobe Experience Manager, an Adobe Marketing Cloud solution, as the best match to streamline customer journeys to generate more leads and sales.”

Karen Jennings,

Principal, Digital Marketing, Constellation

Adding value to content authors

Since relaunching the website with Adobe Experience Manager, Constellation has seen residential customer enrollment jump and more leads captured from small businesses. In addition to these successes, Constellation is recognizing the value of Adobe Experience Manager through internal changes to productivity and agility by empowering content authors.

By using Adobe Experience Manager Sites, content authors can easily take over content creation without working through IT. “Adobe Experience Manager allows us to distribute work that was previously offloaded onto more technical teams, which created a bottleneck for content,” says Jennings. “We now enjoy much higher agility and productivity across groups.”

Within Constellation, there is a team working with local governments to secure energy prices for municipalities. Because the contracts vary from community to community, the team maintains 150 different landing pages to show the prices and services available to customers depending on where they live. Previously, all requests for new pages or updates were pushed to the digital marketing team. Now, all landing pages are maintained by the managers responsible for a given community.

While Experience Manager Sites allows Constellation to expand the number of authors, Experience Manager Assets helps maintain branding and standards. Approved templates, images, copy, and other components are stored in Assets and used across websites, emails, and digital print for improved brand consistency and accelerated content development.

A personal touch

With a more agile website foundation, the next step for Constellation is using data to optimize and tailor customer experiences. Constellation is currently working with Adobe Professional Services to deploy Adobe Target and Adobe Analytics.

“Having integrated tools was an attractive selling point,” says Jennings. “Adobe Experience Cloud allows us to collect vital data and act on our insights to provide more personalized customer journeys.”

Adobe Analytics enables Constellation to dive deeper into individual journeys and collect useful data about customers’ web activities. In particular, precise attribution for sales and retention will allow marketers to determine what types of promotions, campaigns, and website workflows better resonate with customers. Feeding this rich data into Adobe Target, Constellation can perform AB testing to optimize experiences, or even personalize recommendations based on activities and segments.

“Adobe Experience Cloud gives us the tools we need for a digital foundation to transform our business,” says Cammon. “Using Adobe solutions, we’re quickly making digital changes that can meet and even exceed our customers’ expectations.”

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