“Some people might not expect visual storytelling to be so important in the world of sports, but for me, it’s the most important thing,” says Gilkeson. “We’re dealing with unpredictable content. We can’t control the game, but we can create stories that make the fans feel more connected with everything that’s happening at the LA Rams organization.”
Like the players on the field, the LA Rams video team aims for speed. Fans expect to see highlights throughout the game and interviews immediately after. They also want insightful content to keep them excited about their team during the off season. The video team uses a video workflow based around Adobe Creative Cloud apps, particularly Adobe Premiere Pro and Frame.io, to edit, review, and deliver the content that fans love.
“It’s challenging to create all of the content expected for such a large and high-profile market, so we continue to improve efficiencies wherever we can,” says Gilkeson. “Our jobs wouldn’t be possible without Premiere Pro and Frame.io. From content creation to review and distribution, the Adobe workflow helps us work faster.”
Speeding up video reviews tenfold
The LA Rams video team creates approximately 70% of the Ram’s video content in-house. During the off season, the team works on content like Behind the Grind —an ongoing series that profiles individual players in eight-minute documentaries. When games are on, editors create dozens of videos, including highlights, analysis, interviews, hype videos, and other content for use in stadium, on broadcast television, or across social media. The Rams typically ingest about 1,200 assets each game, but that number can vary dramatically. The 2022 season opener, for instance, resulted in closer to 3,800 video assets.
The video team can drop any clips – from broadcast game footage to interviews to smartphone video shot from the sidelines – into the same editing timeline. Editors use motion graphics templates (MOGRTs) created in Adobe After Effects to add and customize transitions, titles, scores, lower thirds, and other information for videos. Since gameday video is often shot in less than ideal conditions — noisy stadiums, crowded locker rooms — editors also work with Adobe Audition to clean up audio.
But the biggest time-saver for the Rams is Frame.io, which enables fast and efficient video review. Typical game videos have anywhere between six to ten reviewers, but high-profile videos or partner content can involve many more.