Modernize your documents and forms for more efficient government services.

Digital documents help reduce government employee workloads, demands on citizens, and costs while accelerating service delivery. Learn how we use digital documents, forms, and signatures to help agencies improve the way they find train, and support foster parents.

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Empower people to get the most from their government.

Government agencies are often at different stages of document and form modernization. As a trusted technology provider to government, we’re here to help with document and form modernization solutions that help increase productivity and better connect citizens to government services.

Digital documents

Provide citizens and employees with a simple way to find and complete secure online documents and forms that can be sent electronically or by mail.

Electronic signatures

Provide citizens and employees with a simple way to find and complete secure, accessible online documents and forms that can be sent electronically or by mail.

AI and workflows

Create web- and mobile-optimized forms with automated workow and data integrations that reduce errors and accelerate service delivery.

Measurement and optimization

Use granular analytics to measure form usage and continuously improve process efficiency and citizen experience with missioncritical services.

Advanced personalization for outreach and engagement

Personalize public-facing communications and provide timely, relevant information across all devices.

Security and compliance

Use FedRAMP-authorized solutions to build better digital experiences, improve internal efficiencies, protect the privacy of your citizens, and maintain compliance.

Increase engagement and reduce the time people spend on forms.

IDC performed a comprehensive analysis on organizations that used Adobe digital forms. Its research shows that mobile traffic doubled, form submissions sped up by 61%, and self-service increased by 113%, demonstrating that Adobe forms increased overall use.

“Integrating Adobe Experience Manager Forms helps us improve customer service by sending timely, automated communications to taxpayers with the status of their requests.”

Tajel Shah
Chief Assistant Treasurer, Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector,
City of San Francisco

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A complete solution to digitize your data collection.

Get your agency up to speed with easy-to-create and easy-to-fill-out digital forms. Onboard individuals faster and deliver timely, personalized communications on any channel.

Let’s talk about what Adobe can do for your agency.

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