Ephraim Cruz
Software and Platform Initiatives Lead
Xfinity Creative
Ephraim Cruz leads software and digital platform initiatives at Comcast’s in-house creative agency, Xfinity Creative, formerly called Good Kid. As one of the agency’s first few employees, he has helped grow the agency from the ground up and has been critical to leading the company’s Workfront implementation, serving on the Workfront customer advisory board. Prior to joining Comcast, Ephraim held leadership roles in Operations and Production at UM Worldwide and McCann. His agency experience also includes leadership of his own digital creative agency for eight years, servicing clients like Nissan, Nike, Marc Ecko, and several non-profit organizations and small businesses looking to develop a digital footprint in their communities. Outside of work Ephraim enjoys spending time with his family and dog. You can catch them checking out different art exhibits, listening to the latest hip hop albums or streaming any show or movie with great storytelling. So, while he’s looking forward to talking shop about digital platforms, he would also love to help you discover a new artist or introduce you to your next favorite brand.
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