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How Adobe Target compares to our competition.

We know you need to make the best decision possible. As you compare Adobe Target against other options, get a clearer view of what makes our solution different from others in the market.

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Adobe Target
Testing and personalisation
They offer basic A/B testing and manual targeting with limited intelligence.
We offer a wide range of A/B and multivariate testing options, automated testing and both rules-based and AI-powered personalisation.
Omnichannel capabilities
They offer limited cross-channel support with data silos and features that require multiple implementations.
We give you a single delivery platform and global architecture that makes optimising for mobile, IoT, call centres or off-line use cases as simple as doing so for the web.
Unified customer profile
They only give you a handful of common attributes relevant to a given channel that doesn’t connect your customers across devices.
Our open and progressive profile includes hundreds of data points out of the box, as well as 1st, 2nd and 3rd-party customer data that spans all touchpoints.
AI and machine learning
They rely on simple rules-based approaches or rudimentary and inflexible algorithms to personalise.
We offer a sophisticated suite of customisable AI capabilities, powered by Adobe Sensei and spans testing, personalisation, recommendations, search and more. Move between manual and automated execution with ease.
Integration with Adobe
They don’t have any native integrations with Adobe Experience Cloud or other third-party vendors. And customised integrations are costly, time and resource-intensive and suffer from data problems, accessibility and more.
We have native, embedded integrations with Adobe Experience Cloud, as well as access to the complimentary Adobe Experience Platform that works seamlessly across our solutions.

E logo

“Adobe is critical to my team. The customer is receiving an experience that is being personalised, but they don’t realise it’s being personalised. They just recognise that it’s relevant for them.”

Will Harmer, Senior Manager, Insights and Optimisation, EE

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