Adobe Experience Platform Privacy Service

Better customer experiences start with respecting consumer privacy.

To deliver better customer experiences, you need more personal data — but using that data means you need to understand and respect consumers’ privacy. With Adobe Experience Platform Privacy Service, you get the privacy capabilities you need to use personal data while respecting consumers’ privacy.


Data transparency.
Use the flexible tools provided by Adobe Privacy Service to manage privacy requirements for consumer data in Adobe products.

Centralized service.
Quickly address individuals’ data access and delete requests to applicable Adobe products.

Support future regulations.
Trust a powerful, extensible architecture built to keep up with future privacy regulations.


Experience Platform Privacy Service Features

A single entry point to manage privacy.

Experience Platform Privacy Service lets you monitor and respond to your customers’ data access and delete requests under relevant privacy regulations, including CCPA and GDPR. You can personalize the way your Adobe tags fire depending on your individual privacy position and policy.

Powerful API
Use the Privacy Service API to automate one or multiple requests for any of your customers who wish to access or delete their personal data that’s collected on your behalf.
Easy-to-Use User Interface (UI)
Execute data access and delete requests and obtain job detail information and metrics using a visual UI designed for one-off requests without requiring implementation.
Curation and Labeling
Identify and label data types that should be referenced in a data access or delete request so that the right data can be submitted to Adobe Experience Cloud for processing.
Optional Lightweight JavaScript
Deploy our privacy ID retrieval tag on form pages where individuals submit data access or delete requests to capture user IDs and include them in your Privacy Service API call for processing.
Consent Management Integrations
Take advantage of our prebuilt integrations — available through Experience Platform Launch — with consent management solutions like Evidon, OneTrust, and TrustArc to help you manage consents.
Opt-In Object Coordination
Use our opt-in object to decide which Adobe tags should fire before or after user consent is recorded in your CMP.

Adobe Experience Cloud and GDPR

Read our white paper to dig into the details behind
GDPR and Adobe Experience Cloud applications.

Read now

Working with Privacy Service

Get all the details on Privacy Service, including tutorials and FAQ, in our detailed documentation on Adobe I/O.

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