App for Field Employees
Let your field workers securely capture information and interact with forms while on the go — even offline. Attach photos and notes, send forms for approval, and capture electronic signatures with the ability to automatically synchronize data when your workers connect to a secure network.
Ditch the paper and clipboard for good.
Field employees collect lots of important data. But they often work in locations that don’t have wireless access or even cellular data. Using paper and clipboard is old school. Not to mention, it’s easy to mix up information or misread handwriting. And a piece of paper is about as insecure as you can get.
Put the Adobe Experience Manager mobile app in your field employees’ hands to capture data digitally. Use any device and never worry about connectivity. Simply capture data offline, and the app will sync data automatically as soon as the device is online. Employees save time by attaching photos and field notes and by completing dynamic forms. Give employees the mobile tool they need to do their job faster, more accurately, and more securely.
See what makes it work.

Automatic synchronization
Data collected offline synchronizes when connected to a secure network, allowing workers to submit data directly to back-end systems.
Preload field worker forms
Automatically assign field workers the forms relevant for their tasks and preload them to their mobile apps, saving them time to find and download the right form for each task.
Attach media
Employees can attach notes, include photos or video, and tag items with date and location data.
Electronic signature
Verify identity and secure approvals with electronic signatures.
Learn more about creating an app for field employees in Adobe Experience Manager.

Learn how easy it is to use the app.
See step-by-step instructions to export forms in the app with our Help section.