Document of Record
Automatically generate and deliver a PDF document and then archive it to your content management system or repository of your choice to easily maintain compliance.
Sign it. Submit it. Save it.
After your customers complete and approve an online form, you can easily transfer that information to the appropriate data manager. However, you may want to — or be required to — provide a receipt for your customer or keep a record yourself to document the data source.
Using the document of record feature, you can easily add an automated step into your document workflow process to ensure record keeping compliance. Document of record will generate and deliver a PDF document, as well as archive it in a content management system or repository of your choice.
See what makes it work.

Let your customers automatically generate a document of record, for printing and archiving, that automatically reflects all changes you may have made to the form and hides fields you want to exclude.
Generate and archive documents that you can easily drag and drop into your workflow with out-of-the-box workflow steps.
Learn more about document of record in Adobe Experience Manager

Secure a Document of Record automatically.
Get more details about the benefits of the document of record functionality and how to automatically generate them in our Help section.

Explore the power of submitting forms.
Learn how to generate a document of record that is triggered when a user clicks the submit button on an adaptive form in our Help section.