Adobe Target Pricing & Packages

Different businesses have different needs, so we offer flexible licensing and configuration options. Get a version of Adobe Target that is tailored exactly to fit your organization. Because each solution is custom-fit for your organization's needs, here are some of the considerations for pricing.

Pricing considerations

Product options

Adobe Target specializes in enterprise-grade software built to suit your needs. Adobe also supports a quick set-up for emerging testing and personalization organizations.


Another factor in pricing is the volume of digital properties on which Adobe Target is implemented.

Omnichannel delivery

Target offers the most flexible personalization delivery in the market including web, mobile app, email, IOT, and more.

The ROI of personalization.


Discover all the AI-powered capabilities in Adobe Target.
48% of marketers that implemented personalization on websites achieved double-digit lift in revenue.


Dive deep into specific AI capabilities of Adobe Target with Beyond A/B Testing.
Recommended products had a 70% higher conversion rate, which led to 55% upon return sessions.


Dive deep into specific AI capabilities of Adobe Target with Beyond A/B Testing.
80% of consumers are more likely to do business with companies that offer personalized experiences.

Not ready to talk to sales?Learn more about personalization, testing, or automation.

Get customized pricing for Adobe Target.

Talk to us about how Adobe Target can help you identify your best content and deliver it to the right customer at the right moment.

Hablemos de lo que Adobe Target puede hacer por tu empresa.
