Advanced Calculated Metrics

Calculated metrics let you combine metrics to create mathematical and statistical operations that are used as new metrics. These can be segmented and created for any report to which you add metrics.


The metric you need is the metric you make.

Often, the truth in your data is hidden. What you see using standard metrics may not always be what you need to see. You need a way to flex your analytical creativity and to look at the data through the lens you choose.

Advanced calculated (or derived) metrics let you build, manage, and curate your own metrics, so you can ask questions of your data without changing your Adobe Analytics implementation. This helps you manage and dissect your data to shape a more informed customer experience.

Accessible metric creation

Create metrics throughout Adobe Analytics, including in Analysis Workspace, Anomaly Detection, and Contribution Analysis.

Metric segmentation

Create new metrics for specific characteristics. For example, create a metric for “new visitors” with a count of people who are visiting for the first time.

Robust metric building

Build metrics based on currency, percent, or time. Use basic functions such as mean, multiply, or divide or advanced functions like regression, t-score, and others.


Learn more about advanced calculated metrics in Adobe Analytics. | image

Create metrics, segments, and dates.

Learn how to create calculated metrics, segments, and date ranges for comparison or breakdown directly within Analysis Workspace.

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Build quick calculated metrics.

See how to build calculated metrics on the fly within Analysis Workspace.

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Learn about dimensions.

Get to know how dimensions can be added to any formula to create internal segments quickly.

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Dig deeper into derived metrics.

Visit the Adobe Experience Cloud Help page on Advanced Calculated Metrics for details on features, videos, FAQ, and more.

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