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B2B journey orchestration

Orchestrate account and buying group journeys across inbound and outbound channels, such as email, web, chat, landing pages, webinars, and more to automate personalized engagement aligned to your go-to-market motions.

Conversational help

Implement account and buying group journeys faster with the help of the Adobe generative AI Assistant. This conversational interface helps you learn how to use Journey Optimizer B2B Edition as you go.

  • Automated help. Quickly learn about features, use cases, and best practices as you build journeys.
  • Suggested topics. View additional topics to ask AI Assistant about based on your previous conversations.
  • Bookmarks. Save helpful AI-powered conversations to revisit them for future help.

Journey management

Design highly personalized, multi-step journeys for each buying group member according to their role, account, product interest, and more. Use these journeys to automate and scale precise engagement and buying group qualification.

  • Account and buying group journeys. Orchestrate engagement and qualification for accounts, buying groups, and buying group members.
  • Account and buying group targeting. Target individual buying group members, sets of members, or entire buying groups to support multiple types of engagement strategies.
  • Journey map. Use an intuitive journey canvas to quickly visualize and sequence sales and marketing engagement with distinct buying group members.
  • Journey paths. Split your journey paths by account or person to organize different experiences for contacts associated with multiple buying groups within the same account audience.

Real-time automation

Automate the progression of accounts and buying groups through your journeys. A comprehensive library of journey actions and real-time engagement triggers help you scale marketing workflows and customer engagement across channels.

  • Real-time engagement triggers. Initiate buying group engagement and automate progression to the next step using active listening and activity triggers that respond to real-time behavior.
  • Journey actions. Automate customer-facing engagement, such as sending emails, and internal marketing workflows, such as scoring behavior, for specific buying group members based on their journey activity.
  • Buying group engagement scoring. Qualify the engagement of the entire buying group based on the individual behavior of each member to measure collective intent.
  • Adobe Marketo Engage campaigns. Link Marketo Engage Smart Lists and Smart Campaigns to your journeys to enrich your lead marketing programs with account and buying group data and context | ai automation | :play-medium:

Omnichannel engagement

Engage buying groups across the full extent of inbound and outbound sales and marketing channels to maximize the reach of your brand and convenience for your customers.

  • Email. Deliver highly personalized emails enhanced with generative AI to drive engagement and conversions.
  • Website (coming soon). Customize your entire web experience based on lead, account, and buying group attributes and behavior. Web browsing activity can also trigger additional personalized engagement on other channels.
  • SMS. Trigger personalized SMS text messages to buying group members based on omnichannel engagement triggers.
  • Paid media. Activate account lists across paid media destinations to reach known buying group members and identify missing members to fill coverage gaps.
  • Adobe Marketo Engage channels. Target buying group members using the native and integrated channels within Marketo Engage to maximize the impact of your buying group experiences.
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Learn how to use journey orchestration features.

Find what you need in Experience League, our vast collection of how-to content – including documentation, tutorials, and user guides.

Learn more | Learn more experience league journey optimizer b2b account journeys