
Adobe Experience Makers Webinar

Beyond the Buzzword: Operationalizing Generative AI for Growth

Price: Free
Length: 60 mins

Hear from the Adobe marketing team as they share how industry leaders have leveraged generative AI to drive significant gains in personalized content creation and productivity.

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Beyond the Buzzword: Operationalizing Generative AI for Growth Marquee Image

Event speakers

Jill Steinhour headshot

Jill Steinhour

Director, Industry Strategy, High Tech, Adobe

Jill Steinhour is the director of Adobe’s high-tech industry strategy. In t...
Rob Liebscher headshot

Rob Liebscher

Director of Data Science and Machine Learning


Rob Liebscher has been at Adobe for over 15 years and has held various posi...
Paul Aleman headshot

Paul Aleman

Manager, Product Growth


Paul Aleman leads a team of product managers focused on developing and opti...

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