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In this episode of The CMO Show, Mark is joined by Jon Stona, Vice President – Global Marketing at Airwallex and Melissa Shannon, Global Head and Managing Director, Digital Sales and Performance Marketing at Standard Chartered. Tune in to hear the panel discuss:

  • In this climate, how are banks reimagining the experience they offer customers when it comes to convenience, transparency, and protection?
  • As trust becomes ever more central to consumer engagement, what role do marketers play in the how those principles are carried and expressed?


Mark Jones

Podcast host
The CMO Show

Jon Stona

Vice President – Global Marketing

Melissa Shannon

Global Head and Managing Director, Digital Sales and Performance Marketing

Standard Chartered

How CMOs can accelerate progress for women

In this episode of The CMO Show, host Mark Jones is in conversation with Stella Insurance and Adobe.

Adobe 2024 Digital Trends Report

In this episode of The CMO Show, host Mark Jones is in conversation with Emily McReynolds, Head of Global AI Strategy at Adobe and Jodie Sangster, Board Director and CMO.

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