The 14th annual Adobe Digital Trends report shows that to stay competitive, brands need unified data to refine and personalize customer journeys and unlock the full potential of generative AI.

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The inside look at what’s shaping personalization today.

Adobe, in collaboration with Econsultancy, surveyed over 8,000 digital experience professionals — from executives to practitioners — and over 6,000 customers globally. Our research shows customers expect seamless, connected experiences. To deliver on that, organizations need a strong data foundation and a clear strategy for how to leverage generative AI.

Making personalisation more thoughtful.

Businesses must prioritise data-driven personalisation to meet customer needs. Assumptions no longer suffice; smarter, thoughtful approaches are essential.

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AI and Data.

Generative AI is here, but businesses must transparently deploy a unified approach to nurture trust, unlock AI capabilities, and deliver consistent customer experiences.

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Early adopters drive growth.

Consumers and businesses are ready for Al. Early adopters will be better positioned to drive growth.

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