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Adobe Workfront Use Case

Improve cross-functional collaboration.

Eliminate barriers with powerful tools that encourage teams across the organisation to contribute, collaborate and work together seamlessly to produce the best results.

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Adobe Workfront example of project item detail cards grouped into to do, in progress, and ready to launch categories.

Empower individuals and teams to do their best work.

Adobe Workfront consolidates cross-functional workflows into a marketing system of record, enabling collaboration through every stage of the marketing lifecycle.

Centralised visibility into work

Consolidate work in a single place so assets, comments, priorities and progress updates are accessible to all teams. This helps them spot roadblocks, access critical updates and find essential information to inform their project contributions.

Auditable reviews and approvals

Reduce time to market and accelerate review cycles with digital proofing, automated approval workflows and audit trails that meet even the most complex compliance needs. Workfront can also be integrated with Frame.io to give creatives, marketers and stakeholders across various content formats a unified review and approval experience.

Support for the way people work

Enable multiple work methodologies, such as Agile, Waterfall or a mixed approach, right out of the box. This lets teams with diverse work practices and preferences collaborate better.

Prudential logo

Leveraged Workfront to manage a complex campaign, resulting in an ROI of 1.24x.

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Healthgrades logo

Reduced production errors by 40% year over year.

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CHG Healthcare logo

Uses Workfront to manage Agile and Waterfall projects for large brand refresh initiatives.

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Learn more about improving cross-functional collaboration.

Content as a Service v2 - cross-functional-work - Tuesday, 27 August 2024 at 15.05