Explore all your organisational data stored in Adobe Experience Platform at once, along with big data and deep-learning libraries like Spark ML and TensorFlow. You can also ingest your own datasets via Experience Data Models (XDM).
Get from data to insights more quickly by accessing all your cross-channel data, cleaning it and transforming it to create contextual features that can power AI models. Ingest new data or use existing features to help you with data preparation.
Take advantage of prebuilt machine-learning recipes for common business needs like propensity and recommendations. Or choose between building customised recipes from scratch using open-source technologies like Python, R and more or importing your own recipes.
Experiment flexibly by using recipes to create as many instances as you need, training and scoring each one as many times as you want. As you train them, everything is tracked automatically so you don’t have to.
Create and schedule intelligent services without IT, then Publish them to Adobe I/O as a private API for your team or your partners. Automate periodic training and scoring of these services according to your own schedule using an intuitive UI.
Evaluate intelligent service accuracy and retrain your recipes as needed to improve performance, resulting in continuous optimisation.
We protect your data with security processes and controls developed to help us comply with industry-accepted standards, regulations and certifications.