Adobe Real-Time CDP learning resources
Make the most of your investment with our free learning and support platform, Adobe Experience League. Here, we’ll walk you through Real-Time Customer Data Platform basics like datasets, destinations, and segments. Then, we’ll help you with advanced tools like usage labels, identity namespaces, and more.
Get a Real-Time Customer Data Platform up and running
Real-Time Customer Data Platform overview
A comprehensive overview of how to use Real-Time Customer Data Platform to create enriched customer profiles ready for activation.
Real-Time Customer Data Platform tutorials
A library of how-to videos. Search by topic, see what’s new, and get expert recommendations here.
Real-Time Customer Data Platform community
Connect with Real-Time Customer Data Platform users around the globe to talk shop, ask questions, and explore use cases.
What is Experience League?
Experience League is Adobe’s free online learning center filled with courses, guides, support, and more. You can even personalize your learning path by creating a profile based on your goals.
Dive deeper into Real-Time Customer Data Platform
Real-Time Customer Data Platform Metrics overview
Learn more about the metrics dashboard that provide insight into data, profile, and segment audiences in the system.
Real-Time Customer Data Platform documentation
Browse the library of guides, tutorials, developer resources, technical documents, and release notes here.
Experience League quick links
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