A crash course on big data

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What is big data?

Big data refers to a set of data too large and complex for traditional database management tools. The data’s complexity comes from the volume of information, the velocity of its creation and collection, and/or the variety of the data points, also known as the “three v’s” of big data — volume, velocity, and variety. Big data is analyzed computationally to reveal patterns and trends, especially relating to human behavior and interactions.

Another definition of big data is the exponential increase and availability of data in our world. Much like how the universe is always expanding, so is the amount of quantifiable data. You can find it in traffic signals, utility meters, electronic health records, and point-of-sale terminals. Data points are everywhere.

A closer look at big data

Want to learn more about big data? Here’s a highlight reel of interesting facts:

With big data, everyone can experience real-time benefits

Every organization needs to understand how big data works, how it can help their business succeed, and what it means for their customer experiences. The possibilities are endless.

Adobe Experience Platform analyzes the most important data, trains customer-centric artificial intelligence and machine learning models, and connects all your customer experience technology to a single source of truth. It brings the vision of a deeper, interconnected customer experience management ecosystem to life.

Ready to unlock big data insight for your company? Your first step to driving relevant experiences for every customer is Experience Platform.

Watch an overview video or request a demo to learn more.