Accelerating content time to market.

Lloyds Banking Group efficiently manages increase in demand for customer communications across channels with Adobe Workfront.



Employees: 58,000

London, United Kingdom


Halved time to market for assets by streamlining and automating content workflows

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Enable campaign managers to keep up with increase in demand for marketing content across channels

Save campaign managers time by removing repetitive and duplicate tasks

Track assets throughout creation and maintain approval records to comply with regulatory audits

Bring all content creation and reviews into a single location while allowing flexibility

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50% reduction in time to market for the digital team by reducing steps in asset creation workflow

30% of workflow automated for internet banking team, eliminating manual data entry and duplicate processes

-2 NPS score from internal users with Workfront, increased from as low as -83 with the legacy workflow solution

22 bespoke templates pushed into production in 10 months

Lloyds Banking is a leading UK-based financial services group with over 325 years' history and a unique family of household brands including Lloyds Bank, Halifax, Bank of Scotland and Scottish Widows. Today, Lloyds Banking Group serves modern customers through conversational banking, which keeps people engaged and informed with relevant communications delivered in the ways they want to receive it. This has increased content demand, a challenge that is further complicated because communications must also comply with strict financial regulations.

Improving the content supply chain is an important topic in modern marketing. If campaign managers have to stop what they’re doing to copy information into forms, search through emails, or message someone to check on content, it takes their attention away from focusing on creating the best messaging for customers. That’s why Lloyds Banking Group supports its 750 campaign managers by giving them the right technologies to work efficiently.

After 14 years of working with a rigid, linear marketing workflow system and trying to adopt a single standard workflow, the company knew it was time for a change and looked for a solution. Adobe Workfront was selected to create an environment to automate marketing workflows. The solution also enables the marketing team to maintain the flexibility to support the diverse content creation and review demands of campaign managers working with the company’s brands, channels, and media.

Focusing on campaign by automating tasks

Working with partner Optima and Adobe Professional Services, Lloyds Banking Group created 22 bespoke templates in just 10 months. The marketing team managing the project met with all of the campaign teams that they support to understand their requirements and gain a clear vision of how they can use the new workflows to make managing campaigns smoother.

If a campaign manager wants to create a new piece of creative, they now submit the request through Workfront. The app automatically creates a project that provides the agency with all the requirements enabling collaboration with all parties. Once completed, reviewers are notified that they need to approve the new creative, after which it’s pushed to Adobe Experience Manager Assets to store the final version. The project workflow maintains the record of all requests and approvals, simplifying tracking for regulatory compliance.

Taking advantage of Workfront Fusion, Lloyds Banking Group automates as many steps in the workflow as possible. For example, the team uses Fusion to automatically convert a request to a program or project, create the required number of projects, assign the project owner to tasks with the campaign manager role, and transfer documents and data from a project to a request to eliminate re-entering information.

The marketing team has created 76 scenarios so far that eliminate manual data entry and other repetitive tasks. One team reduced the steps in their processes by 50%, while the digital team cut time to market for new campaigns in half. Overall, Lloyds Banking Group automated 30% of the workflow for internet banking, which enables campaign managers to spend more of their time focused on refining campaigns or delivering targeted experiences.

Creating user-centered workflows

One of the biggest benefits of the new workflow is connectivity. All information flows into Workfront, so campaign managers and other stakeholders, such as content creators or reviewers from the risk and product teams, can manage tasks, assets, and schedules without constantly needing to switch between apps.

A Microsoft Outlook plug-in allows users to check notifications and manage workloads from their email client. Workfront Fusion integrates Experience Manager Assets with Workfront for the seamless transfer of metadata and assets between the apps. This reduces the need to rekey data in both systems, removes the margin for error in data entry, and makes sure marketers always have access to the latest asset versions without having to log into different apps at different stages. When an asset is due to expire the asset owner is notified, decides next steps, and the system automatically generates the project to amend or extend the asset.

The marketing team also uses integration with Adobe Target to monitor the content in market by sharing metadata around expiration dates to a dashboard in Workfront. When campaigns or content are set to expire, marketers can kick off a project to review the asset and either expire or renew it.

While Lloyds Banking Group’s marketing team is still in the early stages of using its new workflows, user response has been very positive, with 75% of active users logging in daily. Users have found the solution to be usable and easy to navigate, resulting in the net promoter score increasing from as low as -83 with the previous solution to -2 with Workfront.

Lloyds Banking Group plans to expand use of the solution dramatically in the upcoming months by onboarding new workflows, increasing adoption with the risk and product teams in charge of reviews, and connecting with internal and external creative agencies. This will help the company better manage its content supply chain and get to market faster with relevant and accurate information that builds customer trust.

Learn more about the value of Adobe’s content supply chain solutions for financial services customers. Enable Growth: Let Content Flow (

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