Offer Management

Create a rules-based offer catalogue. You can manage offers by weights or priorities and cap how many times customers see a specific offer. Then, personalise offers based on criteria like location, customer lifetime value, loyalty status and more.


Make them an offer they can’t refuse.

You need to talk with your customers — not at them. But that’s hard to do when you’re struggling to find the most relevant offers to send them.

Manage a portfolio of your offers or suggestions within Adobe Campaign by organising them by ranks and capping the number of offers shown to customers. Include the best offers to the right customers in your outbound messages or create customised inbound interaction rules that enable real-time decisioning or push next-best offers and support scripts, based on individual customer needs.

Adobe Experience Platform gives you access to an even richer pool of data from unified customer profiles, which enables you to tailor offers or suggestions for your customers based on any customised criteria. To deliver the best set of personalised offers to the right customers, simply drag and drop the offers section and relevant suggestions onto your email template within the Email Designer.

See what makes it work

Create an offer catalogue
Catalogue offers so you can select the best offer to send to a contact. Use eligibility rules based on a customer’s history to send the most relevant offer — and to avoid sending the same thing twice.
Match offers to people
Configure the eligibility rules and application themes linked to offers in a catalogue. Depending on the channel, personalise the offer content and then calculate its potential impact.

Learn more about offer management in Adobe Campaign.

Learn from the experts.

Go beyond static content and learn the importance of automating the right interaction in real time in our tutorial video.

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