Compare Adobe Journey Optimizer to other journey management platforms.
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Learn how Adobe Journey Optimizer stacks up against other solutions.
What Adobe Journey Optimizer offers
What other solutions offer
Real-time profile and insights
Built on Adobe Experience Platform, a real-time customer profile connects known and unknown data from all sources with advanced privacy, governance and identity controls. No data transfer latency or integrations required.
Requires data integration to CDPs or data warehouses with batch segmentation updates, data transfer latency or timed refresh cycles. Profiles don’t store known and unknown data or lack granular data governance controls.
Privacy, governance, security and trust
Patented tools to operationalise data governance policies. Object and attribute-level access controls, data usage and labels enforcement, audit logs, privacy APIs and encryption at rest and in transit ensure compliance and provide control over sensitive customer data including HIPAA-ready health data.
Data pre-cleansing tasks introduce latencies and prevent real-time experience. Privacy and trust enforcement managed across multiple apps leading to mistakes. Ambiguous or missing HIPAA readiness.
Omnichannel experience orchestration
Users can deliver all customer experiences from one application and a unified canvas, including emails, app push, SMS and more. Reusable audiences, segments, assets and content reduce the complexity of workload and eliminate context switching, enabling faster time to value and easier experience consistency.
Delivery channels are broken into multiple products or modules, often with distinct user interfaces, implementations or authentication. Data, assets and content must be duplicated, migrated or integrated across each context, causing workflow delays and inconsistent experiences.
Adobe technology connections
Built on Adobe Experience Platform, Journey Optimizer leverages shared objects and services with Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform and Adobe Customer Journey Analytics for instant workflows between applications. Native integrations and embedded workflows with other Adobe Experience Cloud applications such as Adobe Target, Adobe Experience Manager and Adobe Stock aid experience creation and delivery.
Superficial or adapted integrations with Adobe applications result in more code to manage, latencies and potentially duplicative workflows between systems.
Additional technology connections
Prebuilt data source connections and integrations with with leading vendors across CRM, cloud storage, databases, analytics, advertising, mobile engagement and more, with APIs available to build customised integrations with other internal and external systems.
Limited prebuilt connectors and batch capabilities prevent customised integrations and reduce the scope of data sources for ingestion or destinations for personalisation.
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