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Adobe and IBM

An expanded partnership to help global companies deliver secure, world-class experiences.

Adobe and IBM® are bringing customer experience reinvention to industries where data security requirements and regulatory compliance have been a barrier, thanks to Adobe Experience Manager built on Red Hat® OpenShift® and IBM Cloud for Financial Services™.

Customer experiences that drive growth

Customer experiences that drive growth

IBM iX®, the business design arm of IBM Services, offers integrated customer experience consulting services using Adobe Creative Cloud, Experience Cloud and Document Cloud, helping companies design, implement and scale the real-time personalised experiences that drive growth.

Secure, compliant, meaningful experiences

Integrating Adobe Experience Manager with the highly secure IBM Cloud for Financial Services allows companies to meet high-security requirements and regulatory compliance. They can also gather the real-time data needed to create relevant, timely experiences across the entire customer journey — enabling companies to support an even broader set of business-critical content and experience management needs.

Customer experiences that drive growth
Customer experiences that drive growth

Flexibility through open source technology

Adobe Experience Manager will be certified and delivered using the RedHat OpenShift platform, giving all companies the flexibility to host, access and leverage customer data in any environment of their choice, including on-premise and across multiple public clouds. 

Learn how State Street Global Advisors transitioned to an experience-led, customer- centred strategy.

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Experience Manager features

• Data-driven marketing and personalised experiences

• Real-time customer profiles and journey management 

• AI-assisted content handling and compliant digital forms

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IBM features

• Secure cloud services for regulated industries

• End-to-end consulting to digitally transform global  companies

• Leader in customer experience design and implementation, including enterprise design language systems

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Red Hat features

• Open source software that connects multiple cloud environments and on-premise data centres

• Hybrid cloud technology to manage, secure and scale complex environments