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In-person on-demand session
Adobe Commerce Rockstar Showcase - S431

Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Adobe
Program Manager, Product & GTM Operations, Adobe Commerce, Adobe
Principal Consultant & Adobe Practice Lead, Comwrap Reply
Architect, Bounteous
CTO, Atwix
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“Rockstar” – our showcase of customer and partner excellence - comes to Adobe Commerce this Summit. In this session you will hear from experienced partner and customer developers sharing their best apps, integrations, tools, and strategies to build exceptional shopping experiences. Presenters will discuss the value and benefits of their innovations with our panel of Adobe Commerce product leaders in addition to taking questions from the audience. Join us for this exciting and interactive inaugural edition of Adobe Commerce Rockstar
Track: Commerce
Presentation Style: Tips and tricks
Audience Type: Developer, Digital marketer, Business decision maker, Commerce professional, Designer, Omnichannel architect
Technical Level: General audience
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