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In-person on-demand session
Adobe Experience Manager Rockstar: The Finalists Face Off - S412

Sr. Cloud Architect - AEM, Adobe
Sr. Engineering Manager, AEM, Adobe
Sr. Manager, Accenture, Accenture
Sr. Tech Lead, Vanguard
Service Manager, Cognizant Netcentric
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Root for the finalists of our global Adobe Experience Manager Rockstar search as they share their smoking hot tips, tricks, and strategies for content management. Each participant has a fixed number of minutes to talk about a business challenge and present a live demo of how to use Experience Manager and other Experience Cloud solutions to solve it. Come have a blast as we entertain and deepen your digital marketing and technical repertoire to become your company’s Experience Manager rockstar. The winner, chosen by our esteemed judging panel, which includes Adobe engineering leaders and a past rockstar winner, will be announced during the session. This intermediate session is suitable for all industries.
Track: Content Management
Presentation Style: Tips and tricks
Audience Type: Developer, IT executive, Product manager, Content manager, IT professional, Marketing technologist, Omnichannel architect
Technical Level: Intermediate
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