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Strategy keynote
Maximize Creativity and Scale Content - ASL - SK3-1
Principal Solutions Consultant, Adobe
VP, Experience Manager and Commerce, Adobe
Chief Executive Officer, Credera Digital, Omnicom
SVP of AI and Creative Technology, Omnicom
Chief Brand Officer, Adobe
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The creative content landscape is experiencing a tectonic transformation. Demand for content to drive personalization is skyrocketing, but budgets are hardly keeping pace, and efficiency is critical. And while creativity might be job one, every piece of content must be personalized, relevant, and connected to drive engagement across every channel. Heather Freeland, Chief Brand Officer of Adobe, alongside Cleve Gibbon, SVP of AI and Creative Technology, Omnicom Group and Dr. Ali Alkhafaji, Chief Executive Officer, Credera Digital, will share how Adobe has built and maintained a modern, scalable, and repeatable content supply chain while ensuring creativity is kept front and center. Adobe customers will share how their marketing teams are more efficient and their creative teams are doing more and better creative work. Learn how to meet exploding content personalization requirements from creation to delivery.
Presentation Style: Thought leadership
Technical Level: General audience
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