[Eric] It's Project Get Personal and we have Varun here to present it. So Varun take it away. [Varun] Thanks, Eric.
[Shaq] Drop your shoulders, you look too stiff up there.
Relax. - [Varun] Is it fine now? [Shaq] Yes, good. [Varun] Thanks, Eric. Hi, Shaq. Hi, everyone. This is my very first time in Adobe Sneaks. So I've got a gift for you guys.
[Shaq] Never let the audience know it's your first time.
Scroll all over. Ready, action.
[Varun] So I've got a gift for you guys. [Shaq] Don't look at me, look at the audience. You got the CMO around here, you got the CEO here, look at the audience. [Varun] But the gifts are for you. [Shaq] Don't look at me, I don't work for Adobe, look at them. Ready, action. [Varun] So Shaq, I've got a gift for you guys, and I kept it on the table. How do you like it? [Shaq] Good job.
Yes, good job.
[Eric] This is what he's talking about right here. He made some personalized mugs for us. [Shaq] Nice. Shaq at Adobe Summit. That's going to cost you.
Good job, buddy.
I like you already. Continue.
[Varun] So I created the design for this a few days ago and it took me a few hours. Just imagine if I had to personalize it for everyone in the audience, it will take me forever. Our marketing friends face the same problem. They want to personalize their images, but given the time and skill, it becomes an impossible task. Let me now show you how to make it possible using Dynamic Media's Project Get Personal. Let's start by assuming that I am a marketeer and I have to work on a personalized birthday email campaign. But before I start working on the campaign, Shaq, let me get a bit personal with you.
Out of these products which one do you like the most? [Shaq] I'll take the book bag.
[Varun] Great choice.
Do you have any favorite color? [Shaq] Blue. [Varun] This one? [Shaq] Yes, that one is blue, ain't it? Unless I failed kindergarten.
[Varun] And I know that you have a lot of nicknames. Do you have any personal favorite out of these? [Shaq] DJ Diesel because I'm playing all white guy classics lately.
I'm going to hit you with some Jessie's Girl!
[Varun] Thanks, Shaq. I'll soon send you a personalized gift. Now, let me get back to working on my campaign. Since I'm working on a birthday campaign, let me search for some party images.
I get a few options around here and I like this one the most. So let's use that as the banner for my email. I'll further open this in Dynamic Media.
The first thing which I want to do here is convert this anniversary banner into a birthday banner. But there's a big problem here. This is just a flattened image. There're no layers, the image is non-editable and I can't make changes straight. Or can I? Just a simple click on this Layers extraction button, and bam.
[Shaq] Nice.
[Varun] Project Get Personal automatically identifies different components and breaks them into its own layers. Now, I can simply move layers around, or edit text and Project Get Personal ensures to take care of the rest.
Look, it even fills the background using Adobe Firefly.
[Eric] Oh yes. [Shaq] Nice.
[Varun] Now I simply convert this into a birthday banner. [Shaq] Can you put Barkley sucks? [Varun] No. [Shaq] Just for me.
[Varun] This is supposed to be a birthday banner. [Shaq] Yes, just B-A-R-K-L-E-Y S-U-C-K-S. So I'm going to take a picture and you can go back to the presentation.
I just want to show it to him, that's all. [Varun] We can try it.
[Shaq] B-A-R, on the bottom. Yes! [Varun] But now I've got to revert back because it's supposed to be a birthday banner. [Shaq] All right, delete.
That's nice.
Where can I download all this? [Varun] I'll send you a link. [Shaq] Good.
[Varun] Also, since I'm working on a personalized campaign, I want to show personalized products to users. Doing that now is as simple as a drag and drop. [Shaq] Nice.
I needed this one. [Eric] That's fast.
[Varun] Just imagine if there was no Project Get Personal, I would need to go back to my designer for every variation. But now as a marketeer, I can do all of this on my own.
Further, I'll just parameterize this name and discount.
Now, it's festival season back in India, so let's play with colors. Different users have different color choices. And what if we could personalize colors as well? Just select a region, parameterize it and pick your favorite color.
[Shaq] I said blue.
[Varun] I'll get to that.
[Shaq] Keep it up, tough guy.
[Varun] Here are shoes in your favorite color. [Shaq] Thank you. Blue. [Eric] There you go. [Varun] Come back to blue. [Shaq] I said blue.
Thank you. [Varun] Obviously, not all colors exist for all products, and we control that by verifying the list configured against them.
So now I know how to easily create personalized variations. But how do I ensure that this will look good with the email that I'm sending? For that, let's use this Preview playground and review the variations. Shaq, can you again tell me a few names, maybe your friends or rivals? [Shaq] My name? - [Varun] Your friend's. - [Eric] Anybody's name. [Varun] Anybody's name.
[Shaq] What's your name, no, this lady that keeps laughing, what's your name? [Varun] Crystal? [Rachel] Rachel. [Shaq] Rachel. [Eric] There you go. [Shaq] That's your husband? Oh shit, sorry!
Rachel. [Varun] A few more. A couple more. [Shaq] Tammy, Monica, Stacy, Diane. [Varun] We're good now.
[Shaq] Tawana, Keesha, and Mookie.
[Varun] I think we are fine now.
[Eric] You sure, you don't need more? [Varun] No.
[Shaq] Oh, I got one, Cinnamen.
Met her last night at Hooters.
[Varun] Is this fine? The spelling? [Shaq] I don't know how to spell Cinnamen. [Varun] Cinnamen? [Shaq] C-I-N-N-AMEN.
[Eric] Perfect. [Varun] Now I'm going to select a few more discounts and a few colors and click on Generate.
Eureka. All possible variations across all possible combinations. [Shaq] You're sending all those emails to all the girls I just named? Oh, I need this right now.
I love you.
Oh yes, I need this link today!
- [Eric] He said he'll mail it to you. - [Shaq] Oh, that's nice. [Eric] He's going to get you that link. [Varun] So all of these variations are generated dynamically and on demand, so you don't need to worry about the storage or scale Project Get Personal and Dynamic Media ensures to take care of that. Additionally, just look at this mug of this technology. It understands the lightning and curvature on the mug and ensures to maintain that while rendering different names.
[Shaq] What is that? [Varun] Rachel. [Shaq] No, those two thingies, what is that? [Varun] Two mugs. [Eric] Coffee mugs. - [Varun] Coffee mugs. - [Eric] Wine mugs. [Shaq] Oh, cups, okay, I got it. Don't look like cups, but okay.
I thought they were earplugs.
Because I've never seen customized earplugs. Continue, man. [Varun] We'll work on those next.
Project Get Personal now helps me to create millions of personalized variations without the need of performing millions of photoshoots. Now, let's see how I can use these variations to run my email campaign. All I need to do is go to Adobe Journey Optimizer, add the banner and run the campaign. Emails are sent. Shaq, I'm pretty sure now you are seeing why I asked you those questions at the beginning, I think you have it in your email. Let me open it up for you.
So here's the email for you. It's totally personalized to your preferences. [Shaq] And that shoe better have been blue. [Varun] It's blue. [Shaq] Well, that's nice. [Varun] Your favorite product in your favorite color, your favorite nickname on the cake and being a premium customer, you are given 50% off.
It seems like they're giving discounts as for the size of the customers.
If I further scroll down, we can see more recommended products and all of them are also personalized as for your choices. How do you like this, Shaq? [Shaq] Looks good.
Really good.
[Varun] So Project Get Personal enables marketeers to easily transform a single image into millions of personalized variations, using a few clicks and in a matter of minutes and with no coding expertise needed. This is what we call hyper-personalization at scale. Thanks a lot, Shaq, and everyone, hope you guys enjoyed this Sneak. And if you did and you want it... [Shaq] Great job! It's his first time, Vegas, why don't you give him a round of applause? Good job, dude.
[Varun] And if you want it to be added to our product roadmap, please ensure to post about it on #ProjectGetPersonal. Thank you. [Shaq] Very good. [Eric] Thank you, Varun.