[Music] [Narrator] Please welcome, Eric Matisoff. [Music] [Eric] Welcome to Sneaks!
I am so pumped up to be here. Y'all pumped up? I love it. Now, before we get started, I have some exciting news to share. So before we jump in, listen to this. So some of the folks that stopped by the Workfront booth earlier yesterday and today in the community pavilion, they're entered into a drawing for a trip to Adobe MAX in October, including two tickets to the conference, $5.500 worth of travel. And we have a winner to announce, you want to hear it? So our winner is the one and only Ilan Aliphas.
Yes, Ilan, so congrats to you, Ilan. So I am so excited for our program tonight. And I couldn't be more excited to introduce our Sneaks co-host tonight. Honestly, he's a man that needs no introduction. But I'm going to do the best that I can. He was drafted into the NBA in 1992 where he proceeded to win Rookie of the Year. From there, he won not one, not two, not three, but four NBA championships and is now a Hall of Famer. He also, of course, has a big podcast, is a highly successful entrepreneur and so much more. Ladies and gentlemen, a true icon has never graced the Sneaks stage before. Please give an extremely warm welcome to the one and only Shaquille O'Neal. [Music] [Shaq] Hello, hello. [Eric] Shaq, welcome to Sneaks. [Shaq] How are you, brother? [Eric] I'm great. What do you know about Adobe? [Shaq] I don't know a lot, but I know about Adobe Photoshop. I like to do things like this. [Eric] Yes? [Shaq] That's my favorite thing to do with Photoshop. Yes, take a picture, send it to him.
Let him know. [Eric] I love it. I'm glad that's not me up there. [Shaq] Glad it's not me either.
[Eric] So you do a lot of photo editing in your days? [Shaq] Yes, photo editing, Adobe Premiere, I edit my own videos. [Eric] Okay. [Shaq] I'm a fan. [Eric] So we've got some fun technology for you tonight. Sneaks is all about innovation. [Shaq] Innovation? [Eric] Innovation. [Shaq] Oh, take that damn jacket off, it's too hot. [Eric] It is too hot, yes. [Shaq] Yes, talk about innovation. It's Vegas, unbutton that shit. [Eric] Okay, all right. [Shaq] If you want to see chest hair, make some noise.
[Eric] We've started with hundreds of ideas, technology ideas that we've been cooking up in the Adobe labs, and we have the absolute most inspiring, most innovative, most exciting technologies to show you tonight. [Shaq] Let's do it. [Eric] Do you think you can pump up this crowd and make it happen? [Shaq] If you take your freaking shirt off.
[Eric] We'll be out here for a while, so you never know what'll happen. - [Shaq] You're too sexy for your shirt.
So your Sneaks roll is going to be a busy one. [Shaq] Let's do it. [Eric] We need you to answer questions, make decisions, ask questions, [Shaq] Shaq as an Adobe guy. [Eric] Hopefully I'm the only guy.
You want to play with the technology first? [Shaq] Sure. [Eric] Let's hop over to this computer. [Shaq] Let's go. [Eric] So, what we're going to be doing here is I've loaded up a photo into this new technology... [Shaq] Can we take his shirt off? [Eric] Maybe. [Shaq] Because this guy's sexy like you. [Eric] If you don't like that guy, here's something that we can do. So we started with this new technology. First of all, we can make him a little bigger just by doing that. But this is pretty cool. He's big, not quite as big as you, I don't think. We can also move people around, so I can move this guy over here. But you'll notice there's this issue here and that we can kind of see that there're some artifacts that aren't getting filled in. So what we decided to do was recreate that technology with something we're calling Object Completion. [Shaq] Say it again. [Eric] Object Completion, so we're completing the object [Shaq] One more time, you have to tell me three times. [Eric] Object Completion. [Shaq] Can you spell it? [Eric] Sure. [Shaq] I'm just messing with you. [Eric] So what we can do is now when we move him, look how it fills in that arm right there. [Shaq] Nice. [Eric] Isn't that cool? I can also shrink this guy if we think he's a little too big. Look how it fills in the background there for us automatically.
You want to play? Do it. [Shaq] I want to make this guy Kevin Hart's size.
Make him a little person. [Eric] Perfect. [Shaq] And then make this guy Shaq size. [Eric] There he is.
[Shaq] There we go. [Eric] So we actually thought it would be fun to have a picture of you here. [Shaq] That's nice. [Eric] And in the community pavilion, we've got a Madame Tussauds wax figure of you. And so we thought, what if we edited that one? And so here is a picture of you with all of our Sneaks demoers here. Remember, this is new technology. It's not perfect, but if we wanted to, we could similarly take Amir here, make them bigger, maybe we make you a little smaller, just because Amir just wants to be the biggest one in the picture. We can bring down, move all of our basketball nets. Maybe move this guy over here, all sorts of fun things. [Shaq] I don't want to be standing next to ugly guys.
So I'll take this little supermodel right here. [Eric] There you go. [Shaq] Put him right here. [Eric] Get me out of there. [Shaq] Move you over there. Move you out of there, and move you way over here. Move you over here. And I know she likes big guys, so. [Eric] There you go. [Shaq] Once you go Shaq, you'll never go back.
Right there. [Eric] Perfect. [Shaq] Is she here, or where is she at? [Eric] You'll see her in a couple of minutes, [Shaq] Whoever you are, hello.
[Eric] So that's how tonight is going to go. [Shaq] There's another pretty one. [Eric] There you go. [Shaq] Move her over there. Here we go. Move, man!
[Eric] And now we have a perfectly edited photo. [Shaq] That's nice.
[Eric] So do you want to take a seat? We can get comfortable, kick things off. [Shaq] I want to stay here and play with this shit.
I can take this guy and move him out of the way. [Eric] There you go. [Shaq] Move you, no, move you over here. - [Eric] Get me out of there. - [Shaq] Let's go sit down.
[Eric] So I don't know if you noticed, we've got some fun over here on stage as well. And I try to work out, so I thought maybe we can have a little competition, see who can bang a little harder. [Shaq] Little kids first.
[Eric] You know, when I was here earlier, there was a lighter hammer. [Shaq] You might want to take that tight-ass jacket off. [Eric] So we got...
Ready? [Shaq] Sure. [Eric] Keep an eye out.
Show me how it's done.
One handed, ladies and gentlemen.
[Shaq] Are you not entertained? [Eric] Love it. [Shaq] I'm going to take this back to Atlanta, so I can hit Charles Barkley with this.
[Eric] So our technologies tonight, they're, as you saw, they're brand-new. They're not fully baked into our applications when you're using Photoshop to make Charles into all sorts of crazy things, you won't see these technologies, but the more excited you get, the more excited the crowd gets, the better the chances are that we actually add them to our applications. Can you bring the diesel energy and pump these guys up? [Shaq] I think I can. What I like about the technology is that it's very easy to use, for dummies like Charles Barkley.
Very simple, click, spread. [Eric] Perfect, so easy, even Charles could use it. [Shaq] You know, that should be our slogan. [Eric] I love it. [Shaq] Damn it, you're good. [Eric] We got a future together, Shaq. [Shaq] Yes, we do. [Eric] Fantastic. So the only thing that might happen is since these technologies are new, something might go wrong. They're delivered by the engineers, the research scientists, the data scientists who built them, and they are not professional presenters, so if something goes wrong, we just got to cheer them on and it will work itself out.
So for our very first Sneak, it's all about putting a plan together. [Shaq] Eric, take that f***g jacket off, it's hot. [Eric] All right.
Off or on? [Shaq] Yes, it's Vegas, take it off. Relax.
You're a good-looking dude. Take it off. Thank you. [Eric] Do you want to try it on? [Shaq] No. [Eric] Now I'm comfortable. [Shaq] I don't show up in the little boy's department.
Thank you.
[Eric] Listen, we got to work together more often. I'm going to be the comfiest guy at Adobe. [Shaq] Yes, you are. [Eric] So our first Sneak is all about planning. Are you a big planner? [Shaq] No, not at all. [Eric] Well, the people in this audience are. We've got marketers that are planning for humongous multinational global campaigns, and they spend a lot of time in meetings, organizing strategies, putting together creative, all sorts of exciting stuff. - [Shaq] Did you say global campaigns? [Eric] Yes. [Shaq] Well, I'm your f***g guy. [Eric] Dude, you're the man. [Shaq] I'm the guy. [Eric] This is a global campaign right now. [Shaq] I'm the guy. There's no better than me. I made this one, I used Adobe. I know who you guys are. I know the proficiency of your company. And I know you guys really care about the customer. So if you need help with a global campaign, I'm not cheap, but I'm available. [Eric] Love it.
[Shaq] It's going to cost you some money, but I'm sure you can afford it. [Eric] Well, I see our CMO right there and I can already feel the gears in his head turning. [Shaq] That's my guy, Mr. Hall.
[Eric] So as we're planning this big campaign for Adobe and Shaq working together, we thought, what if we could use generative AI? Do you know much about generative AI? [Shaq] No. [Eric] That was the technology we were just using a second ago. [Shaq] Got it. [Eric] And so we thought, what if we could use that to help make that plan a little easier and deploy it a little faster? So to do that, we have Project Perfect Plays, and we have Chang on the stage here who is going to need your help, actually, along the way. Chang, take it away. [Shaq] Shit, where did you come from, you scared me.
How the hell did you do that? Oh my God. Hello sir, how are you? [Chang] Hi, Shaq. Hello, Eric. Hello, everyone. So, marketing campaigns are an important part of any business In this technology, I want to show you how can we turn our simple text description into our comprehensive marketing campaign playbook. And since Shaq, you are a very successful entrepreneur, I will need your help crafting this campaign. Are you ready for that? [Shaq] Yes, sir. [Chang] Cool. So let's say we want to create a campaign for our restaurant. And Shaq what's your favorite type of food or restaurant? [Shaq] My favorite restaurant is my local restaurant here called Big Chicken. So after you leave here, make sure you check it out. [Eric] Sounds good to me. [Chang] How about today, let's do this for a fast-food restaurant And we can just go like this. If we click the Generate button right now, our system will be able to immediately generate our comprehensive marketing playbook. But sometimes we already have something in our mind, we have some plans, and we want you to be more specific. So let's add more details to that. A typical campaign strategy is to tie their campaign with some holidays or events. So Shaq, what type of event or holiday do you think we should target for our campaign? [Shaq] Christmas. [Chang] Christmas. That's my favorite for a holiday.
That's okay, we can do that for Christmas. [Shaq] It's not my favorite is too expensive, too many kids.
[Chang] And what kind of channels you think we should use, like emails or social media? What do you think? [Shaq] Emails. [Chang] Emails.
How about social media? [Shaq] Social media is good.
[Chang] Let's add social media. Actually, I think... [Shaq] And take your jacket off too. [Chang] I'll take that, yes.
[Shaq] Get loose. [Eric] Yes, Chang.
[Chang] I think we've got enough information. If we click the Generate button right now, our AI Assistant will now immediate start working on generating the marketing campaign playbook. So the first thing the system is generating is the targeted audience persona. It researches millions of company strategies in our database and analyzing our demand and eventually generate the best targeted audience persona that is suitable for this campaign. For example, here, what we show here is the Holiday Foodie, is the persona that's suitable for this event, which is someone who delights in the festive cheer of Christmas and you also have lots of information here. It also contains our population, which is an estimation of how large the targeted audience size could be. So once we have the targeted audience persona, our system is continuing to work on generating the remaining part of the marketing campaign strategy. So it includes our eye catching campaign name, which is Festive Flavors Campaign, and also a short description, a promotional campaign talking to our Holiday Foodies persona for a fast-food restaurant during Christmas, and also have the industry, which is definitely fast-food and quick service restaurant also targeted audience, we just defined, and also the marketing channels use emails or social media just exactly as what we input. It also has the goals and the KPIs for your reference. So there's one more thing, I think is very interesting, is the Journey map. The Journey map, shown in the middle here, actually simulates what the potential outcome of this campaign could be, so the marketers can understand how their customer will engage with this campaign and also have a deeper understanding of the outcomes. For example, here you see the persona Holiday Foodie, they are aware of this campaign, and they have considered that and eventually make a purchase and engagement and then finally have retention. So we have a lot of information here. This is a very comprehensive campaign playbook. The last step is to launch this campaign into our Adobe Experience Platform, which can be simply done by clicking this Launch campaign button. So once we click that, we have everything you need to launch a campaign like the journeys, schemas and audiences. So there you have it. With Adobe's generative AI technologies, marketers can quickly generate their marketing campaign playbook with just a few simple clicks. This really needs to be done by marketing experts for several weeks. But here, we only need a few minutes to finish that.
So thank you for watching our demo. If you like our technologies and want it to appear in the...
Thank you. If you like our technology and want it to appear in Adobe's product roadmap, please be sure to post about it in social media with #ProjectPerfectPlays. Thank you. [Eric] Awesome.
Thank you, Chang. Was that fun? [Shaq] Yes.
[Eric] I hope you're excited for your new restaurant to get a good nice little marketing plan there. [Shaq] I am. [Eric] Good. [Shaq] That was very exciting. [Eric] Maybe we can use it for one of your restaurants already. [Shaq] Yes, I would love to use that.
[Eric] So, as you're building campaigns... [Shaq] This lady is laughing at me up front. Her, she's making me laugh. [Eric] Good. Well, keep on laughing. So as you're building campaigns for restaurants or any of your businesses, one of the tactics that marketers like ourselves like to use is personalization. It's all about delivering the right message to the right person at the right time in the right channel. And this next Sneak that we're working on goes even farther beyond personalization, there's something we've termed hyper-personalization. So you're going to be impressed with how personal it gets. And in fact, that's the name of it. It's Project Get Personal and we have Varun here to present it. So Varun take it away. [Varun] Thanks, Eric.
[Shaq] Drop your shoulders, you look too stiff up there.
Relax. - [Varun] Is it fine now? [Shaq] Yes, good. [Varun] Thanks, Eric. Hi, Shaq. Hi, everyone. This is my very first time in Adobe Sneaks. So I've got a gift for you guys.
[Shaq] Never let the audience know it's your first time.
Scroll all over. Ready, action.
[Varun] So I've got a gift for you guys. [Shaq] Don't look at me, look at the audience. You got the CMO around here, you got the CEO here, look at the audience. [Varun] But the gifts are for you. [Shaq] Don't look at me, I don't work for Adobe, look at them. Ready, action. [Varun] So Shaq, I've got a gift for you guys, and I kept it on the table. How do you like it? [Shaq] Good job.
Yes, good job.
[Eric] This is what he's talking about right here. He made some personalized mugs for us. [Shaq] Nice. Shaq at Adobe Summit. That's going to cost you.
Good job, buddy.
I like you already. Continue.
[Varun] So I created the design for this a few days ago and it took me a few hours. Just imagine if I had to personalize it for everyone in the audience, it will take me forever. Our marketing friends face the same problem. They want to personalize their images, but given the time and skill, it becomes an impossible task. Let me now show you how to make it possible using Dynamic Media's Project Get Personal. Let's start by assuming that I am a marketeer and I have to work on a personalized birthday email campaign. But before I start working on the campaign, Shaq, let me get a bit personal with you.
Out of these products which one do you like the most? [Shaq] I'll take the book bag.
[Varun] Great choice.
Do you have any favorite color? [Shaq] Blue. [Varun] This one? [Shaq] Yes, that one is blue, ain't it? Unless I failed kindergarten.
[Varun] And I know that you have a lot of nicknames. Do you have any personal favorite out of these? [Shaq] DJ Diesel because I'm playing all white guy classics lately.
I'm going to hit you with some Jessie's Girl!
[Varun] Thanks, Shaq. I'll soon send you a personalized gift. Now, let me get back to working on my campaign. Since I'm working on a birthday campaign, let me search for some party images.
I get a few options around here and I like this one the most. So let's use that as the banner for my email. I'll further open this in Dynamic Media.
The first thing which I want to do here is convert this anniversary banner into a birthday banner. But there's a big problem here. This is just a flattened image. There're no layers, the image is non-editable and I can't make changes straight. Or can I? Just a simple click on this Layers extraction button, and bam.
[Shaq] Nice.
[Varun] Project Get Personal automatically identifies different components and breaks them into its own layers. Now, I can simply move layers around, or edit text and Project Get Personal ensures to take care of the rest.
Look, it even fills the background using Adobe Firefly.
[Eric] Oh yes. [Shaq] Nice.
[Varun] Now I simply convert this into a birthday banner. [Shaq] Can you put Barkley sucks? [Varun] No. [Shaq] Just for me.
[Varun] This is supposed to be a birthday banner. [Shaq] Yes, just B-A-R-K-L-E-Y. S-U-C-K-S. So I'm going to take a picture and you can go back to the presentation.
I just want to show it to him, that's all. [Varun] We can try it.
[Shaq] B-A-R, on the bottom. Yes! [Varun] But now I've got to revert back because it's supposed to be a birthday banner. [Shaq] All right, delete.
That's nice.
Where can I download all this? [Varun] I'll send you a link. [Shaq] Good.
[Varun] Also, since I'm working on a personalized campaign, I want to show personalized products to users. Doing that now is as simple as a drag and drop. [Shaq] Nice.
I needed this one. [Eric] That's fast.
[Varun] Just imagine if there was no Project Get Personal, I would need to go back to my designer for every variation. But now as a marketeer, I can do all of this on my own.
Further, I'll just parameterize this name and discount.
Now, it's festival season back in India, so let's play with colors. Different users have different color choices. And what if we could personalize colors as well? Just select a region, parameterize it and pick your favorite color.
[Shaq] I said blue.
[Varun] I'll get to that.
[Shaq] Keep it up, tough guy.
[Varun] Here are shoes in your favorite color. [Shaq] Thank you. Blue. [Eric] There you go. [Varun] Come back to blue. [Shaq] I said blue.
Thank you. [Varun] Obviously, not all colors exist for all products, and we control that by verifying the list configured against them.
So now I know how to easily create personalized variations. But how do I ensure that this will look good with the email that I'm sending? For that, let's use this Preview playground and review the variations. Shaq, can you again tell me a few names, maybe your friends or rivals? [Shaq] My name? - [Varun] Your friend's. - [Eric] Anybody's name. [Varun] Anybody's name.
[Shaq] What's your name, no, this lady that keeps laughing, what's your name? [Varun] Crystal? [Rachel] Rachel. [Shaq] Rachel. [Eric] There you go. [Shaq] That's your husband? Oh shit, sorry!
Rachel. [Varun] A few more. A couple more. [Shaq] Tammy, Monica, Stacy, Diane. [Varun] We're good now.
[Shaq] Tawana, Keesha, and Mookie.
[Varun] I think we are fine now.
[Eric] You sure, you don't need more? [Varun] No.
[Shaq] Oh, I got one, Cinnamen.
Met her last night at Hooters.
[Varun] Is this fine? The spelling? [Shaq] I don't know how to spell Cinnamen. [Varun] Cinnamen? [Shaq] C-I-N-N-AMEN.
[Eric] Perfect. [Varun] Now I'm going to select a few more discounts and a few colors and click on Generate.
Eureka. All possible variations across all possible combinations. [Shaq] You're sending all those emails to all the girls I just named? Oh, I need this right now.
I love you.
Oh yes, I need this link today!
- [Eric] He said he'll mail it to you. - [Shaq] Oh, that's nice. [Eric] He's going to get you that link. [Varun] So all of these variations are generated dynamically and on demand, so you don't need to worry about the storage or scale Project Get Personal and Dynamic Media ensures to take care of that. Additionally, just look at this mug of this technology. It understands the lightning and curvature on the mug and ensures to maintain that while rendering different names.
[Shaq] What is that? [Varun] Rachel. [Shaq] No, those two thingies, what is that? [Varun] Two mugs. [Eric] Coffee mugs. - [Varun] Coffee mugs. - [Eric] Wine mugs. [Shaq] Oh, cups, okay, I got it. Don't look like cups, but okay.
I thought they were earplugs.
Because I've never seen customized earplugs. Continue, man. [Varun] We'll work on those next.
Project Get Personal now helps me to create millions of personalized variations without the need of performing millions of photoshoots. Now, let's see how I can use these variations to run my email campaign. All I need to do is go to Adobe Journey Optimizer, add the banner and run the campaign. Emails are sent. Shaq, I'm pretty sure now you are seeing why I asked you those questions at the beginning, I think you have it in your email. Let me open it up for you.
So here's the email for you. It's totally personalized to your preferences. [Shaq] And that shoe better have been blue. [Varun] It's blue. [Shaq] Well, that's nice. [Varun] Your favorite product in your favorite color, your favorite nickname on the cake and being a premium customer, you are given 50% off.
It seems like they're giving discounts as for the size of the customers.
If I further scroll down, we can see more recommended products and all of them are also personalized as for your choices. How do you like this, Shaq? [Shaq] Looks good.
Really good.
[Varun] So Project Get Personal enables marketeers to easily transform a single image into millions of personalized variations, using a few clicks and in a matter of minutes and with no coding expertise needed. This is what we call hyper-personalization at scale. Thanks a lot, Shaq, and everyone, hope you guys enjoyed this Sneak. And if you did and you want it... [Shaq] Great job! It's his first time, Vegas, why don't you give him a round of applause? Good job, dude.
[Varun] And if you want it to be added to our product roadmap, please ensure to post about it on #ProjectGetPersonal. Thank you. [Shaq] Very good. [Eric] Thank you, Varun.
Come on over [Varun] Thank you so much.
[Shaq] Great job, brother. [Varun] Thank you. - [Shaq] Excellent job. - [Eric] Great stuff, Varun. Thank you.
[Shaq] That was awesome.
[Eric] Those are going to be some comfortable blue sneakies. [Shaq] You guys just keep innovating and come up with new stuff. [Eric] That we do, and we've got more for you. So we're all about experiences at Adobe. Experiences like this, experience is like whatever we just did with that hammer. And what we want, in fact, our company mission is all about changing the world through personalized digital experiences. So this next Sneak is all about getting up... [Shaq] Getting up and running faster than ever. To show you how fast we get things done, we're going to have Stelian the President of Project Ready Click Go. Oh, shit! Well, these people just keep popping up. Go ahead, buddy, take it away. [Eric] I think I can do it a little better, I don't know. [Shaq] Go ahead. So, say hello to Stelian. [Eric] So Stelian, Ready Click Go. [Shaq] You see how this guy is dressed? Look at this guy, beautiful. I like that shirt, you look good, brother. [Stelian] Thank you, man. [Shaq] You look really good.
[Stelian] Thank you, Shaq. Hello, everyone. [Shaq] Sexy accent and everything. Go ahead. [Stelian] I'm from Romania, I don't understand English. I just learned the text and that's it. [Shaq] Yes, but you sound good, you sound good. Don't worry about it.
[Stelian] Cool. So it has been over two years since I imagined Project Ready Click Go. I worked with several teams in Adobe to develop it and finally I'm ready to show it to you. For today, let's pretend that we need to build a retail experience for Shaq's new sneakers collection. That will include a website, tracking, segmentation, personalization and reporting Shaq, how long do you think it will take to build this complete experience? [Shaq] 5 minutes.
[Stelian] Might be true. Well, as you all know...
[Shaq] Was that the right answer? [Stelian] Almost. I cannot say. [Shaq] 20 minutes? [Stelian] It's five.
Because as you all know, that could really take hours, days, if not more. It's months, let's say months.
[Shaq] Oh, it takes hours to get a room? [Eric] Just to put together websites, journeys. [Shaq] See, Rachel over there. Don't worry. - [Eric] She's in your head. [Shaq] Continue.
[Stelian] I don't think that Shaq has the time to do all of that today or any other day for that matter. But using Project Ready Click Go, we could build our full experience in just a couple of minutes. Let me show you how. I already have the Experience Cloud home page loaded on my browser. From here I open the Assistant and I will ask it to build this experience for us. Shaq, what name would you choose for this basketball sneakers collection? [Shaq] I-hate-CharlesBarkley.com.
Shaq-is-sexy. [Stelian] That is good. [Shaq] Shaq is sexy. [Eric] It's going to be some good sneakers. [Stelian] Let's use this. And Eric, what will be a great color for this experience? [Eric] I'm clearly all about red. Today, we got red on the stage, but I want to go crazy. What do you think about multicolored like rainbow? [Stelian] I'm already prepared for that. [Eric] Oh, yes, you are. [Stelian] Rainbow. So let's build this experience.
Using generative AI, we can understand the request of the use case and we can build an integrated flow for this specific vertical in a couple of minutes. Adobe AI helps us generate text while images are generated using Adobe Firefly. Look Shaq, the website pieces are coming together. How cool is that? [Shaq] Very cool. [Stelian] Next, the system has a full data collection setup already configured for our experience. Afterwards, we are going to enable all Adobe Experience Cloud applications one by one. Real-Time Customer Data Platform, 2 seconds, done.
Adobe Journey Optimizer, another 2 seconds, done.
Customer Journey Analytics, 2 seconds, done.
That was fast.
Finally, the AI Assistant created and deployed a website using Experience Manager Sites. This website has the web visibility enabled and implemented via tags. Before we open the live experience, let's explore the Adobe Experience Cloud applications and check the new components created for this experience.
A new data stream was set up using my project name and already configured for all Experience Cloud applications. This enables customers to initiate the ingestion of data into the Experience Platform that could be used for all applications.
Then, in Real-Time Customer Data Platform, we've created some audiences and now we could use those for activation.
[Eric] The first buyers of Shaq is Sexy. How about that? [Stelian] It's really cool.
At the same time, a web campaign has been created in Journey Optimizer. So now we could start sending personalized content to our audiences. This web campaign is going to display an offer for new buyers using one of the audiences just created above.
[Eric] Let's see it.
[Stelian] Remember, we asked the Assistant to create a full experience and now here it is. And it took only a couple of minutes to generate the new website fully integrated with all Adobe Experience Cloud solutions and yes, has all the colors on it.
Finally, in Customer Journey Analytics, we created a new analysis workspace, a new real-time analysis workspace project that is going to help us to explore the reporting capabilities on the spot. And since some of you already played with the models, we already have some data. Therefore, we can see the trends in real-time. [Eric] Really cool.
[Stelian] So, one last thing. What are you going to build in the next 2 minutes using Project Ready Click Go? Thank you. And please don't forget to use the hashtag to promote this project.
[Eric] Thank you, Stelian. [Shaq] Good job, brother.
That was nice. [Stelian] Thank you to my fans.
[Shaq] Thank you. [Eric] Shaq-is-sexy.com, I love it. I hope we get lot of social media buzz on that one because I can't wait to start using it myself. And by the way, don't forget, hit those hashtags, get people tweeting, sharing all sorts of information. We want to add these to our roadmaps. So another really important topic for us that I think you'll appreciate is proper branding. So imagine if the companies that you own or the companies that you work with were sending emails or building websites with the wrong logos, ugly colors, improper fonts, poor imagery, it would be a big problem. And so what we found is we could use artificial intelligence to help keep us on brand and automatically fix those just by itself. So this next Sneak is called Project Brand Slam, and Prerna is here to show you how it works. I think you might recognize her from earlier. Prerna. [Prerna] Thanks, Eric. Hi Shaq. Hi everyone. So my Sneak today is Project Brand Slam. Before getting into the demo, let's have a look at this email. So what's the first thought that comes to your mind when you look at it? Let me tell you mine. It does not look good. There's no proper structure, no consistency in image sizes and font size, and the logo, which as a signature of an email is not even prominent. To be honest, looks like a scam email to me. For every brand email, it's essential to look good and be aligned with its brand guidelines and brand values. And that's where Project Brand Slam comes in. It not only makes our content on-brand, but also optimizes it to make it more performant. Let's get into the demo now. As the marketer, I'm entrusted with spearheading our upcoming summer break email campaign and I've got this email draft ready, but as I mentioned earlier, I'm not entirely convinced that it's hitting the on-brand and high performance mark. To solve this, I would normally dive into a long and tedious cycle of copywriters, designers, legal take, etc. But not today. With a simple click on this button, I can begin to optimize my content. And Shaq, I would need your insightful help to make sure that we nail both the brand consistency and the performance metrics. Let's open this. Voil�, as soon as it opens, we have our On-brand score precalculated for this curated content, indicating how much our content is aligning with the brand guidelines. What's interesting is that even though the email isn't pretty, it still is technically mostly on-brand. These are all the categories of our brand guidelines, and the scores for this email. Looks like logo and typography are the only categories which are not completely on-brand. Let's fix these two.
Yesterday you saw how brand guidelines issues can be automatically identified during the Adobe GenStudio demo. We can get a valuable summary of guidelines followed and guidelines violated. And with my Sneak, we are expanding it to automatically suggest improvement. Let's take a peek at this additions. Logo size should be around 50 x 200 pixels, logo should align to the left. With these tweaks, we are aiming to boost the individual category score, as well as the overall on-brand score. Let's apply these.
Did you catch that? The whole styling of the logo just did a 180. And boy, is it noticeable. There are no more violations, and the score is updated too. Awesome. Let's go back and fix the typography.
Well, this is a very high-priority email, so we just want to make sure that there are absolutely no violations. After these fixes, the font size should look good too.
Well, it is looking much better. The font size is now brand-aligned and more consistent.
So, there are no more violations in any of the categories, and our content is completely on-brand. But is it driving conversions too? Let's see.
So this section provides us with a Content performance score, which is not very good right now, it's just 40%. And it also gives us some recommendations to improve the score. These recommendations are our systems' brain children, cooked up to boost performance. And guess what? They are not just any alterations, they are data-backed gems, taken from our model trained on past campaigns. Currently, these recommendations cater to our Luxury Guests target audience.
So, Shaq, as I mentioned earlier, I will be needing your help to improve this content now. These recommendation cards you see, each of these offer a couple of options to improve the content. So if you could just quickly choose the best option in each category, that would be great.
Upon clicking on the Highlight section button, we know that this section is recommended to be changed. And upon clicking on the Preview button, the real magic happens.
Amazing. So these are the variations offered for the hero image. This is Variation 1, this is Variation 2, and this is Variation 3. Shaq, what do you think, which one should we go with? Third, good choice. Let's save this.
And our hero image is changed. I'm just glad we changed it. The previous one wasn't really giving the hero image vibe. So next is Text of Primary block.
This is the section we are talking about, and these are the alternatives. In Variation 1, features like spa treatments, dining experiences are highlighted. In Variation 2, features like swimming pool and meeting rooms are highlighted. And in Variation 3, features of a room, including private balconies and elegant accommodations are highlighted. Shaq? That was quick.
Let's save this. And the change is reflected here. Next one is my favorite. This card is to flip the entire layout and change the complete structure of the email. Let's see what it offers.
This is the current layout of the email, which is not very good, and these are two completely different layouts, which are not only better looking, but also compatible with our current content. Isn't it great? [Eric] Yes.
[Prerna] And it's a bit tricky to choose too. I like both. So Shaq, it's your choice. [Shaq] I'll take the 490 x 239.
[Prerna] This one? [Shaq] 293, sorry. [Eric] There you go.
[Prerna] So let's save this. And here we go. [Shaq] I don't like that one, the 600 x double. I like the 600.
[Prerna] The recommendation is gone now. We have improved the content.
Our content is now hitting all the right notes, so we can't see any of the recommendations. [Shaq] Got it. [Prerna] So the Performance score is 91% which is very good. And the best part, Shaq, you designed it. I don't know if you've designed a marketing email before, but with our tool, it was so easy to do. [Shaq] Thank you. [Prerna] Thank you for helping this designing. [Shaq] Yes, ma'am.
[Prerna] So that was Project Brand Slam, everyone. As you saw, creating an email, which is optimized, as well as in line with your brand guidelines, is just a few clicks away. If you'd like to see my Sneak added to our product roadmap, please be sure to post about it using #ProjectBrandSlam. Thank you.
[Eric] Thank you, Prerna.
So easy even Charles could do it. [Shaq] Charles can't do that one.
But I can. [Eric] There you go. So we thought we would shift into a world that you know really well, which is influencer marketing. We thought we would solve a problem that you're probably pretty intimately familiar with, which is connecting marketers and influencers together. Now, most influencers out there don't have the reach and the popularity that you do That's all it takes to get a marketer for you. But we thought, what if we could use a new Sneak that Amir here built called Project Promo Mojo that uses an entire new platform and artificial intelligence to speed up the whole process. So Amir, show us what you got. [Amir] Thank you, Eric.
Hello, everyone. [Shaq] Take that jacket off, Amir.
[Amir] Not really. It's an expensive one.
[Shaq] My bad. [Amir] Hey, Shaq, it's great to be here with you. You're a big name on social media, I need to be careful here, you're the biggest name on social media. And with your new podcast on different platforms, I'm sure brands love to partner with you on your show. And that's why I'm super excited to present to you Project Promo Mojo, a GenAI-moderated influencer marketing platform that helps creators and brands build these partnerships much more efficiently. Let me show you how.
I'm going to need your help with this one. I've already created an account for you, and you're going to play the role of a marketer.
You are about to promote your new product called, JetJams. And JetJams is a credit card with lots of really nice traveling perks. As a marketer, you want to reach to an audience of different platforms through different types of content, say blogs, YouTube videos, tweets, TikTok videos, podcasts, everything. And I've already created a bunch of these campaigns for you with really interesting promotional content. But let's get things started with podcasts. Once I initiate our podcast campaign, Adobe ecosystem allows us to reach to our creator community in just a few clicks before they publish their finalized content through their social media channels. And that makes it possible for us to rank the content that is about to go live and is also a great fit for your campaign and your product. As we can see here, we are already presented with a list of candidates. And Amir's podcast showed up as number one. All right, Shaq, I might have a quick confession for you and very likely for my employer. Besides my day job, I'm also exploring this side hustle as a content creator, where I produce content related to budgeting and finance for my personal blog, YouTube channel, and podcast, and this one right here is an upcoming episode of my podcast where I talk about how to finance your next adventure, which sounds like a really good fit for your credit cards. So what do you think you and I partner up on this one? [Shaq] Let's do it.
[Amir] So once I select this content, Project Promo Mojo will look for the best place to insert the promotional message and then utilizes a large language model to fine tune that message so it fits naturally and seamlessly within the context of the original podcast. As we can see, we are already presented with the initial draft and it already looks fine. But of course, we can edit this, we can have different versions of this. I've already generated two different versions, and I'm going to ask Shaq to decide which one he thinks is going to perform best for his credit cards. To help you decide, Shaq, one of them only talks about the credit card and its perks. The other one uses your name to promote the credit card. So which one you think we should go with? [Shaq] I think you should use my name, buddy. [Amir] Of course, yes, thank you. So I'm going to go ahead and approve this.
Once I approve the message, under the hood, we utilize AI voice cloning and voice generation technology to reproduce the voice of the creator, in this scenario, my voice. As we can see, the output is already here. This is going to be fun. I'm going to play a little bit of the original podcast in my original voice. [Podcast] Welcome to our Traveler's Guide to Navigating the High Flying World of Credit Card Perks. [Amir] Now I'm going to fast forward to the part that is AI generated, also highlighted in yellow on the top section.
[Podcast] Finding the perfect credit card match requires a keen understanding of your travel style and spending habits. Now that we are diving into the world of credit cards, imagine your next adventure with JetJams. Travel like Shaq, and access free lounge and global entry credits, and stay connected with unlimited... [Amir] I mean that's kind of insane, right? Well, that sounded exactly like me, and it delivered the message exactly the way we planned it. And it all happened in just a few seconds and all in a post-production environment, the level of control and efficiency is just incredible. Once we feel good about the output, we, of course, send this back to the creator for their final approval before we schedule this for publication and tracking through their social media channels.
Now that we are done with podcast, let's go ahead and explore the world of video content.
Once I initiate our video campaign, the same process will follow. But of course, instead of podcasts, we're going to see a video candidate list that are going to be published very soon. And again, my content showed up as a top match. I promise this is a very fair ranking process. So let me go ahead and choose myself again quite shamelessly as Shaq's favorite content creator.
Once I do this, we will go through the same steps. We will find the best place to insert the promotional context. We will fine tune the message and we will generate the first draft. The draft is here, the wording is nice. I like the delivery of the message and to save some time, I'm just going to go ahead and approve this.
[Shaq] So whatever you type in the box, you'll say? [Amir] Yes.
Once I do that, now besides the voice cloning and voice generation technology, we also need a digital avatar of the creator. In this case, my digital avatar will be utilized to produce a fresh segment, sponsored segment, for this video. Okay, the video is here, this is where the AI magic happens. I'm going to play a little bit of the original video.
[Video] Welcome to this Traveler's Guide to Navigating the High Flying World of Credit Card Perks. [Amir] That was the real me. I know I look like a robot, which is not helping this demo, but let me fast forward to the part that is actually AI generated.
[Shaq] You actually do look like a robot. [Amir] That's why I'm working on it.
[Video] ...every swipe. Speaking of enhancing travel experiences, consider this - Elevate your travel game with JetJams! Glide through airports with complimentary lounge access and Global Entry credits and stay connected with unlimited...
[Amir] Thank you. That's just absolutely mind blowing, right? That was a digital avatar of me presenting to you JetJams credit cards. All integrated within a video that is already ready to go. So if you have done influencer marketing in the past, which I'm sure many of you have, you already know this process can take weeks to months. But now everything from ideation to partnership, creation, launch and tracking of your campaign can be done within a single platform and in just a few clicks. Project Promo Mojo will improve the effectiveness and agility of your campaign dramatically. And it's also going to, at the same time, provide an easy opportunity for creators to find brand partnership. Before I go, I want to give a huge shout out to our amazing research scientist, Zhou and his team for their support. And also, if you want to see us on your product roadmap, please don't forget to promote us on your social media using #ProjectPromoMojo. With that, thank you everyone for having me and Shaq thank for the demo. [Shaq] Good job, Amir. [Eric] Thank you, Amir.
You liked that one? [Shaq] Yes, I like that one. [Eric] Maybe we'll get you to tweet it next. [Shaq] I want to have that type of message for me. [Eric] Perfect, how do we even know he's real? Maybe he's an AI, he is robotic, that's for sure. So we've talked about a lot of aspects of the marketing life from planning and personalization to building and branding. One thing we haven't discussed tonight is business to business, or B2B. This is where businesses that don't sell to individuals like you and me, they sell products to companies. And so the ones that do this best are doing the same things we've been talking about all night, personalization and beyond. So this next Sneak aims to use artificial intelligence to speed up the ability for B2B marketers to build personalized tailor made websites to show it all off, we have Steven here to present Project Mighty Micro. Take it away, Steven. [Steven] Thanks, Eric. You know, Shaq, when I got here, I felt self-conscious that I didn't have a jacket, but now I know I made the right choice to not have a jacket. [Shaq] All right, well take the shirt off then.
[Steven] Backstage I will give you a show. So I'm here today to talk about Project Mighty Micro, our next gen B2B account microsite builder Shaq, do you know what a microsite is? Or have you ever built one? [Shaq] I most certainly do not know what it is. [Steven] I'll give you a quick example. So let's say I'm a marketer and I'm selling an augmented reality headset to businesses called the Altura Portal. And when we get closer to closing a deal with one of our top 20 enterprise accounts our sales team makes a microsite specific for that account with documentation to help support the deal. And these microsites are great, but they take a lot of time and design resources and it's not really scalable to the level of personalization that we need to support for the different buying personas that visit the site. That is until now. For Project Mighty Micro, we use artificial intelligence to help sales and marketing teams quickly create B2B account microsites that can serve many accounts at the same time, but still deliver each visitor and buying persona a very personalized white glove experience. So let's make one today on stage.
Excuse my typing, it's awful.
So the first thing we're going to do is we're going to choose a brand approved template and Shaq, should I choose the Black Target template, the Blue Laptop or stick with this Dark Blue in here? I know you like blue. [Shaq] Let's go with the Black Target, brother. [Steven] Not the blue one, all right, let's do it.
So within this template, I can create personalized experiences for different buying personas, allowing marketers to rapidly create different variations of the microsite, but still have them all served from the same URL. [Shaq] Question. [Steven] Sure. [Shaq] What is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet? [Steven] That is my magic spell to make you vote for my hashtag.
[Shaq] I was like, what the hell is that.
[Steven] But Shaq, I need your help. Should we make a microsite for decision makers or someone who decides whether or not to buy something? An influencer who has that person's ear to guide them in? [Shaq] Influencer. [Steven] Okay, Influencer, got it. So the next thing we're going to do is we're going to make a description, for this article at the top of the page, and I need your help again, Shaq, should we talk about the headset's comfort? Should we talk about the headsets high resolution display or the battery life? [Shaq] High resolution display. That's important.
[Steven] Get that 4K in each eye. So next thing we're going to do is open our content generation model. [Shaq] There it is again, lorem ipsum. [Steven] It's going to go away in a second, don't worry. So you can see it's already got us a prompt for our GenAI for writing a paragraph about the high resolution display. Since we're targeting influencers, we're going to be a little friendly. It's not as strict and we'll increase the text length. So I'm going to hit Generate and this will use our GenAI model that's trained on our marketing materials that we have in our marketing library, to write a few variations of a description for that article about the headset's display. So I'm going to choose, let's see... [Shaq] Variation 2, got it. [Steven] You want Variation 2, got it. We'll click Save. And it goes, Lorem ipsum is gone, it goes right into the microsite and you can use the other variations if you want, for the other buying personas on the microsite.
So the rest of the page, there's a lot of space here, we're actually going to use our content recommendation engine to populate the rest of the page. So if I click in here, you can see I have a bunch of tags of the types of content I can have automatically populate here. So, I'll take Blog Post and White Paper and Press Release. So these tags actually come from our content library. So this is all of the marketing material you've uploaded about your products, about the Altura Portal, all of the images, webinars, things like that. And our artificial intelligence for our content recommendation engine will consider the profile of the visitor, their role in their company, where they currently are in their buying journey, and also consume signals from the sales team, determine what are the next best pieces of content to serve the visitor when they visit the page.
So just like that, we've finished this variant of the microsite targeting influencers and so we can repeat that for the other two buying personas that we are targeting for this microsite. And just like that, don't forget you're targeting 20 target accounts here, so you've really made 60 variations of the microsite personalized for each account and each of their visiting buying personas in just a few minutes.
Thank you.
Let's go see what this looks like. So here's the microsite. Here's the paragraph we set up together, Shaq, about the high resolution display. If you scroll down, you can see our content recommendation engine is already populating this with different content for our visitors. And I can actually switch to a different visitor persona. I'm going to switch over to the IT professional and you can see the content on the microsite has completely changed to be relevant for that buying persona. Now the top paragraph talks about the operating system that's very relevant for them and the content recommendation engine is recommending different content further down the page that's more relevant for the IT professionals. And as they continue to come back to this page, this content will continue to update automatically with the knowledge of where they currently are in their buying journey, and that even applies after the deal was closed. So this isn't just for pre-sales, this is also for post-sale. So this will turn into your portal for enablement, upselling and cross-selling.
And that's it. If you want to see this enter our product roadmap, please post on social media with #ProjectMightyMicro. Thank you. [Shaq] Thank you, Sir.
[Eric] Thank you, Steven. I think we made a pretty nice microsite there [Shaq] Yes, that was nice. [Eric] So the bad news is we have reached our absolute last Sneak of the night. Is there anything you want to do on stage with? You want to have another competition with the hammer, or you're good? [Shaq] No, I don't want you to lose. [Eric] Okay, that's fair. So I've had a whole lot of fun up here and... [Shaq] You're ready - [Eric] She's ready. - [Shaq] Shake it up. Yes, she's ready. [Eric] So before we show our next Sneak, I have a question for you. What are your thoughts on data and analytics? Are you a big fan, a little sus? What do you think? [Shaq] I have no idea what you're talking about. [Eric] Data and analytics. [Shaq] Data analytics, what is that? [Eric] You know analyzing the success of your website, marketing. - [Shaq] I don't know. [Shaq] I don't look at all that stuff. [Eric] Maybe we'll turn you into a fan. [Shaq] Just let's do it. [Eric] All right, Tongyu. Tongyu is here to show off her project, Project Infographic. Let's see it. [Tongyu] Thanks, Eric. Hi Shaq. Hey, everyone. So today we will explore the world of infographics, a powerful medium that helps condense complex datasets into easy to understand visual stories. However, making one from scratch requires expertise on design tools like Adobe Illustrator, familiarity with data wrangling and experience with plotting software. Instead, Project Infographic allows us to create one instantly just by typing out the story we want to tell in just a few clicks. So let's say we want to tell a story about Shaq's legendary basketball career. Now, unfortunately, we don't have the official data sets of his games. So let's talk about another completely unrelated player in an alternate universe, Shock, instead. So we have the synthetic data about Shock's basketball career which I already imported into my system and we want to convey that he is one the greatest basketball players and centers of all time. That below is a detailed look at the makes and misses locations for his two pointers. And that in particular, a lot of his career highlights happened while he was wearing a purple and gold. So to start, let's go to our text panel and highlight any text. Now, what this does, is it pops up a menu with five options, a graph or data visualization, a data filter, a static image, an animated image, as well as a color palette, which our system can recommend based on what phrases we highlight. So Shaq, two options for you. Either a graph or an image which one you want to see first? [Shaq] Image. [Tongyu] Image. So let's select the phrase basketball and ask for an image recommendation. Now, our system would then look at our database of both custom and Firefly generated images and extract the most semantically similar images to the word basketball. Let's go ahead and add a court as well as an image of a basketball to our canvas.
Let's move that and make it a little bigger.
So next, let's add Shock's shot location stuck on top of this court. To do this, let's select the phrase makes and misses locations for his two pointers, but this time ask for a graph recommendation. Now this selected text fragment will be processed as a query to a large language model that parses the semantic meaning of the text. Now we got a couple of options to choose from, but since we want shot locations, a scatter plot will make the most sense. Let's go ahead and add that to our canvas.
And it seems like he's made a lot of shots and scores near the basket. Looking familiar? [Shaq] That would be correct.
[Tongyu] Let's go ahead and remove the axes as well to clean it up a little bit.
[Shaq] And I did have one three pointer.
[Tongyu] So next, let's really emphasize that a lot of his career highlights happened while he was wearing purple and gold. So let's go ahead and select that and this time ask for a color recommendation.
Now out of these three colors, Shaq, which one looks the best to you? [Shaq] That one. [Tongyu] This one? [Shaq] No, the middle one. [Tongyu] The middle one. [Shaq] Yes. [Tongyu] So using now Adobe Firefly, Generative Recolor, we can automatically apply the color to our scatter plot. Now finally, let's look into when and where these shots occurred. So let's select the phrase throughout his career and again ask for graph recommendations. [Shaq] I have a question. [Tongyu] Yes. [Shaq] Is there a reason you don't have any made shots by the free throw line? [Eric] It's synthetic data. [Tongyu] It's Shock, not Shaq. [Shaq] I got it.
I didn't miss that many. I missed a lot, but not that many. I think you only got one. It's crazy.
[Tongyu] Now it seems like we have sessions for both the quarter as well as the team that these games were played in.
So we can keep iterating, adding more graphs, images, or text, and refine them to create a more complete infographic. So that was a simple example, but what if we wanted something more advanced? [Eric] We could clap for that. [Shaq] That was nice. [Eric] That's cool.
[Tongyu] So DJ Diesel, we're really looking forward to your performance soon at the Bash, and I wanted your thoughts. So how do you think our friend Shock's DJ career is going? [Shaq] Pretty good. [Tongyu] Well, you'll be right. So we also have some fake data on the top 10 highest earning DJs in this fictional universe, and Shock, or DJ Petrol, happens to be one of them.
[Shaq] DJ Petrol.
And where's DJ Unleaded? [Tongyu] So our system not only allows us to create these infographic assets easily, but also empowers us to see how they evolve over time. So as before, we already imported our data set and created some assets, but this time, let's animate it. So this line chart on the bottom here showcases the earnings of each DJ over each month, color-coded by DJ names. So we can animate it by cycling through each DJ and watching the earnings go up and down to see how much they have earned. And we see that DJ Petrol in turquoise here is really consistently high. Once it's done, it'll get added to our canvas.
Similarly, for the circle plot, the radius of each circle corresponds to the earnings of that DJ.
This time, instead going over each DJ, we can animate it by cycling through each month instead and watch the circles postate, getting larger and smaller, to understand how much each DJ has earned. And similarly, once done, it will all get added automatically to our canvas.
Again, we see that DJ Petrol is doing consistently very well with his large, giant turquoise circle. So again, we can keep adding in more animations, graphs, or images until we have a complete infographic.
[Eric] That's great.
[Shaq] That's awesome.
[Tongyu] So our final infographic that we've made using this system also showcases the many products that Shock has endorsed in this universe. And in particular, the Shock phone seems to be doing really well. So overall, we see how Project Infographic allows us to create these rich infographics that have used cases in many applications like sports journalism and marketing. And with a few clicks, you too can create an engaging, data-driven visual story. So if you like this Sneak and want to see it added to our product roadmap, please be sure to post about it using our #ProjectInfographic. Thank you.
[Shaq] Great job.
[Eric] Amazing. What do you think, a little better fan of data and analytics now? [Shaq] I still don't know what I was looking at, but it's okay. No, that was very impressive. [Eric] So those are all the Sneaks we have for you tonight, Shaq. Thank you for being a great support. I had the pleasure hosting with you. [Shaq] Question. [Eric] Let's answer your question. [Shaq] I noticed they all said if you wanted to see it, add the hashtag. So does that mean that those are not coming out, unless the boss says they're coming out? [Eric] That's right. [Shaq] Okay, nice. [Eric] Is there one you want to mention specifically? [Shaq] All of them.
[Eric] Just seven more to go.
[Shaq] That was a great job, Adobe. [Eric] Amazing. So a massive thank you to you. [Shaq] Thank you, guys, thank you, Rachel, I love you.
Come give me a hug, Rachel. [Eric] To the huge team at Summit. [Shaq] Rachel, Rachel, Rachel, Rachel, come on. Come on, give me a hug. I'm not getting up until you give me a hug, Rachel. Come on. That's not your husband, forget about him, come on.
[Eric] All right, Rachel.
[Shaq] I want to thank everyone for coming out. But yes, this was great. Thanks for having me. [Eric] It was a lot of fun, thank you so much. [Shaq] No problem. [Eric] Rachel's making her way, maybe.
[Shaq] Rachel, Rachel, come up here. [Eric] She got denied. [Shaq] Hey, let her up, or I'll knock you out.
That's my woman, come on, Rachel, you can come. Rachel, I'm the boss today, you can come, come on.
I know the CFO, we're good, Rachel. [Eric] Come on back around. [Shaq] CFO is my guy.
Don't you ever stop Rachel, security man, I will kill you.
[Eric] Give it up for Rachel. [Shaq] Thank you, guys.
[Eric] Come on up, say hi to the big man.
[Shaq] Thank you, guys. [Eric] Thank you, Rachel, thank you, Shaq. Massive thank you.
I had fun.
We got a little bit more. So we've got Bash tonight.
We got Bash tonight with Shaquille O'Neal and DJ Diesel. Give it up.
The biggest tailor I've ever had.
So to get to Bash, important reminder, no backpacks, no large bags, the way you get there is you take the shuttles, which will be available by Sands Avenue in Hall G. Can't wait to see you all there along with DJ Diesel. Thank you.