[Eric] We have Project Perfect Plays, and we have Chang on the stage here who is going to need your help, actually, along the way. Chang, take it away. [Shaq] Shit, where did you come from, you scared me.

How the hell did you do that? Oh my God. Hello sir, how are you? [Chang] Hi, Shaq. Hello, Eric. Hello, everyone. So, marketing campaigns are an important part of any business In this technology, I want to show you how can we turn our simple text description into our comprehensive marketing campaign playbook. And since Shaq, you are a very successful entrepreneur, I will need your help crafting this campaign. Are you ready for that? [Shaq] Yes, sir. [Chang] Cool. So let's say we want to create a campaign for our restaurant. And Shaq what's your favorite type of food or restaurant? [Shaq] My favorite restaurant is my local restaurant here called Big Chicken. So after you leave here, make sure you check it out. [Eric] Sounds good to me. [Chang] How about today, let's do this for a fast-food restaurant And we can just go like this. If we click the Generate button right now, our system will be able to immediately generate our comprehensive marketing playbook. But sometimes we already have something in our mind, we have some plans, and we want you to be more specific. So let's add more details to that. A typical campaign strategy is to tie their campaign with some holidays or events. So Shaq, what type of event or holiday do you think we should target for our campaign? [Shaq] Christmas. [Chang] Christmas. That's my favorite for a holiday.

That's okay, we can do that for Christmas. [Shaq] It's not my favorite is too expensive, too many kids.

[Chang] And what kind of channels you think we should use, like emails or social media? What do you think? [Shaq] Emails. [Chang] Emails.

How about social media? [Shaq] Social media is good.

[Chang] Let's add social media. Actually, I think... [Shaq] And take your jacket off too. [Chang] I'll take that, yes.

[Shaq] Get loose. [Eric] Yes, Chang.

[Chang] I think we've got enough information. If we click the Generate button right now, our AI Assistant will now immediate start working on generating the marketing campaign playbook. So the first thing the system is generating is the targeted audience persona. It researches millions of company strategies in our database and analyzing our demand and eventually generate the best targeted audience persona that is suitable for this campaign. For example, here, what we show here is the Holiday Foodie, is the persona that's suitable for this event, which is someone who delights in the festive cheer of Christmas and you also have lots of information here. It also contains our population, which is an estimation of how large the targeted audience size could be. So once we have the targeted audience persona, our system is continuing to work on generating the remaining part of the marketing campaign strategy. So it includes our eye catching campaign name, which is Festive Flavors Campaign, and also a short description, a promotional campaign talking to our Holiday Foodies persona for a fast-food restaurant during Christmas, and also have the industry, which is definitely fast-food and quick service restaurant also targeted audience, we just defined, and also the marketing channels use emails or social media just exactly as what we input. It also has the goals and the KPIs for your reference. So there's one more thing, I think is very interesting, is the Journey map. The Journey map, shown in the middle here, actually simulates what the potential outcome of this campaign could be, so the marketers can understand how their customer will engage with this campaign and also have a deeper understanding of the outcomes. For example, here you see the persona Holiday Foodie, they are aware of this campaign, and they have considered that and eventually make a purchase and engagement and then finally have retention. So we have a lot of information here. This is a very comprehensive campaign playbook. The last step is to launch this campaign into our Adobe Experience Platform, which can be simply done by clicking this Launch campaign button. So once we click that, we have everything you need to launch a campaign like the journeys, schemas and audiences. So there you have it. With Adobe's generative AI technologies, marketers can quickly generate their marketing campaign playbook with just a few simple clicks. This really needs to be done by marketing experts for several weeks. But here, we only need a few minutes to finish that.

So thank you for watching our demo. If you like our technologies and want it to appear in the...

Thank you. If you like our technology and want it to appear in Adobe's product roadmap, please be sure to post about it in social media with #ProjectPerfectPlays. Thank you. [Eric] Awesome.

Sneaks chapter

Project Perfect Plays - GS6-1

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Depending on a brand’s business goals and objectives, it may take several weeks to create a marketing playbook and execute the marketing strategies for a specific campaign. With Project Perfect Plays, powered by Adobe Firefly generative AI, teams could accelerate the creation of marketing playbooks and initiate marketing campaigns in Adobe Experience Platform applications. Users simply input an overview of their campaign objectives (or upload a marketing brief) and a complete marketing playbook experience is generated with audience insights, marketing strategies and goals that can be kickstarted at the click of a button.

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Meet Adobe GenStudio, a generative AI-first product to unite and accelerate your content supply chain.