[Eric] So the bad news is we have reached our absolute last Sneak of the night. Is there anything you want to do on stage with? You want to have another competition with the hammer, or you're good? [Shaq] No, I don't want you to lose. [Eric] Okay, that's fair. So I've had a whole lot of fun up here and... [Shaq] You're ready - [Eric] She's ready. - [Shaq] Shake it up. Yes, she's ready. [Eric] So before we show our next Sneak, I have a question for you. What are your thoughts on data and analytics? Are you a big fan, a little sus? What do you think? [Shaq] I have no idea what you're talking about. [Eric] Data and analytics. [Shaq] Data analytics, what is that? [Eric] You know analyzing the success of your website, marketing. - [Shaq] I don't know. [Shaq] I don't look at all that stuff. [Eric] Maybe we'll turn you into a fan. [Shaq] Just let's do it. [Eric] All right, Tongyu. Tongyu is here to show off her project, Project Infographic. Let's see it. [Tongyu] Thanks, Eric. Hi Shaq. Hey, everyone. So today we will explore the world of infographics, a powerful medium that helps condense complex datasets into easy to understand visual stories. However, making one from scratch requires expertise on design tools like Adobe Illustrator, familiarity with data wrangling and experience with plotting software. Instead, Project Infographic allows us to create one instantly just by typing out the story we want to tell in just a few clicks. So let's say we want to tell a story about Shaq's legendary basketball career. Now, unfortunately, we don't have the official data sets of his games. So let's talk about another completely unrelated player in an alternate universe, Shock, instead. So we have the synthetic data about Shock's basketball career which I already imported into my system and we want to convey that he is one the greatest basketball players and centers of all time. That below is a detailed look at the makes and misses locations for his two pointers. And that in particular, a lot of his career highlights happened while he was wearing a purple and gold. So to start, let's go to our text panel and highlight any text. Now, what this does, is it pops up a menu with five options, a graph or data visualization, a data filter, a static image, an animated image, as well as a color palette, which our system can recommend based on what phrases we highlight. So Shaq, two options for you. Either a graph or an image which one you want to see first? [Shaq] Image. [Tongyu] Image. So let's select the phrase basketball and ask for an image recommendation. Now, our system would then look at our database of both custom and Firefly generated images and extract the most semantically similar images to the word basketball. Let's go ahead and add a court as well as an image of a basketball to our canvas.

Let's move that and make it a little bigger.

So next, let's add Shock's shot location stuck on top of this court. To do this, let's select the phrase makes and misses locations for his two pointers, but this time ask for a graph recommendation. Now this selected text fragment will be processed as a query to a large language model that parses the semantic meaning of the text. Now we got a couple of options to choose from, but since we want shot locations, a scatter plot will make the most sense. Let's go ahead and add that to our canvas.

And it seems like he's made a lot of shots and scores near the basket. Looking familiar? [Shaq] That would be correct.

[Tongyu] Let's go ahead and remove the axes as well to clean it up a little bit.

[Shaq] And I did have one three pointer.

[Tongyu] So next, let's really emphasize that a lot of his career highlights happened while he was wearing purple and gold. So let's go ahead and select that and this time ask for a color recommendation.

Now out of these three colors, Shaq, which one looks the best to you? [Shaq] That one. [Tongyu] This one? [Shaq] No, the middle one. [Tongyu] The middle one. [Shaq] Yes. [Tongyu] So using now Adobe Firefly, Generative Recolor, we can automatically apply the color to our scatter plot. Now finally, let's look into when and where these shots occurred. So let's select the phrase throughout his career and again ask for graph recommendations. [Shaq] I have a question. [Tongyu] Yes. [Shaq] Is there a reason you don't have any made shots by the free throw line? [Eric] It's synthetic data. [Tongyu] It's Shock, not Shaq. [Shaq] I got it.

I didn't miss that many. I missed a lot, but not that many. I think you only got one. It's crazy.

[Tongyu] Now it seems like we have sessions for both the quarter as well as the team that these games were played in.

So we can keep iterating, adding more graphs, images, or text, and refine them to create a more complete infographic. So that was a simple example, but what if we wanted something more advanced? [Eric] We could clap for that. [Shaq] That was nice. [Eric] That's cool.

[Tongyu] So DJ Diesel, we're really looking forward to your performance soon at the Bash, and I wanted your thoughts. So how do you think our friend Shock's DJ career is going? [Shaq] Pretty good. [Tongyu] Well, you'll be right. So we also have some fake data on the top 10 highest earning DJs in this fictional universe, and Shock, or DJ Petrol, happens to be one of them.

[Shaq] DJ Petrol.

And where's DJ Unleaded? [Tongyu] So our system not only allows us to create these infographic assets easily, but also empowers us to see how they evolve over time. So as before, we already imported our data set and created some assets, but this time, let's animate it. So this line chart on the bottom here showcases the earnings of each DJ over each month, color-coded by DJ names. So we can animate it by cycling through each DJ and watching the earnings go up and down to see how much they have earned. And we see that DJ Petrol in turquoise here is really consistently high. Once it's done, it'll get added to our canvas.

Similarly, for the circle plot, the radius of each circle corresponds to the earnings of that DJ.

This time, instead going over each DJ, we can animate it by cycling through each month instead and watch the circles postate, getting larger and smaller, to understand how much each DJ has earned. And similarly, once done, it will all get added automatically to our canvas.

Again, we see that DJ Petrol is doing consistently very well with his large, giant turquoise circle. So again, we can keep adding in more animations, graphs, or images until we have a complete infographic.

[Eric] That's great.

[Shaq] That's awesome.

[Tongyu] So our final infographic that we've made using this system also showcases the many products that Shock has endorsed in this universe. And in particular, the Shock phone seems to be doing really well. So overall, we see how Project Infographic allows us to create these rich infographics that have used cases in many applications like sports journalism and marketing. And with a few clicks, you too can create an engaging, data-driven visual story. So if you like this Sneak and want to see it added to our product roadmap, please be sure to post about it using our #ProjectInfographic. Thank you.

[Shaq] Great job.

Sneaks chapter

Project Infograph It - GS6-7

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Infographics have long been an effective way for brands to quickly communicate data insights, by presenting complex ideas in an easily digestible, interactive and visually appealing way. The process for creating infographics, however, can often be time consuming as it involves multiple stakeholders (designers, marketers, data analysts) and hours spent creating, arranging, and editing graphics and text components. Project Infograph It simplifies the creation process, leveraging Adobe Firefly generative AI to create and recommend design elements based on key messages, data and the overall aesthetic the user hopes to convey. Users can simply import a dataset, enter a short text description of the top messages, and instantly experiment with different color palettes, chart types, graphics and animations.

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Meet Adobe GenStudio, a generative AI-first product to unite and accelerate your content supply chain.