[Music] [Josee Healey] Thank you so much for joining. I hope you're not too tired and you've had a good lunch today. I appreciate you joining us today. I'm Josee Healey. I'm a product marketer for the Real-Time CDP team. I'm joined by my Adobe colleague, Kim Whatcott. She's a product manager for Adobe Experience Platform. As well, today, we've got a special guest, our partner, Jason Brown, who's the GM of Cloud and Platform Services for Acxiom. So we've got a great presentation for you today. We're going to talk about our session, All Things Audiences. So Audience Portal, Audience Composition, and some other fun features. Before we get into that, this is a fairly new, it's not brand new, but it's a fairly new feature we released last year. It's about to turn one very soon, have its birthday. Speaking of birthdays, I think Kim had a birthday this week. So let's give her a little-- [Kim Whatcott] Did not see that coming. - Not scripted. - Yeah. You didn't think I was going to let you get away with that. Anyway, so thank you so much for joining us today. We'll get into it. Kim's going to talk a bit about some administrative stuff, and we'll jump right in. Kim? So if this is probably one of your last sessions, this isn't the first time you've seen this slide, you can add it to your Summit bingo. But we just want to acknowledge that there are forward facing features in our presentation. And so, these are more for directional purposes, provided as part of the presentation and subject to change at any time. So just make sure you stay in touch with your customer service or technical account managers, in terms of timelines. Yeah. And then in terms of our agenda today, we're hoping to answer your questions about audiences and why this is such an important topic. So we'll go through various ways to build an audience, an important audience, how you can maximize your ROI with audiences, and then demonstrate use cases with a few product demos. And then at the end, we'll chat with Jason on connecting these capabilities to value. So we'll let Josee doze it again. Thank you. Thanks, Kim. So let's get started.
As we wrap up Summit, it's no surprise that, as Shantanu mentioned in his keynote, there's a lot of things changing in the digital landscape. Let's talk about a few of those. First, obviously, customer expectations and consumer expectations are rising. They're certainly evolving. We're asking a lot from the brands that we use every day and the brands that we trust, right? Here's a quick example. I am from Canada.
And yeah, right? One guy in the room, and I bank in Canada, and I get this email from my bank that they send me this every once in a while, and they try and promote a credit card. Great. Awesome, right? However, I have the credit card. So I noticed these things, and not just because I work for digital experience, really. I've noticed this before, and I felt frustrated, but what am I going to do about it? The thing about personalized experiences is that it's the ones that you really don't notice that kind of do well. It should be easy. It should be seamless. So it won't likely come as a surprise that we're all asking more from the brands that we deal with today. As a customer of my baking institution, I expect that they know me. They know me well enough to send me things that are relevant to me, that are tailored, and that are, that offer specific needs, right? So I can click right away on airport lounge access credit cards. That's what I really care about. At the same time, brands are, there are a lot of policies and regulations that are changing in the digital landscape, and brands have to stay ahead of that and pay attention to those brands. So it's to those policies and regulations. Sorry. It's these challenges that really create the need for brands to kind of be responsive to that changing landscape and reimagine their approach to customer experience management. In developing go-to-market strategy, executives today, probably many of you, that's why we're all here, are looking to move the needle on KPIs on things like revenue, churn, and customer lifetime value. These are important things, and they are asking the question, how do I optimize my campaigns? Right? How do I deliver those experiences, as we've heard all week? Doing this requires a few things. Three things that we need to focus on and really capitalize on. One is understanding and respecting the customer, right? Those policies and those regulations that we just spoke about, delivering impactful and engaging experiences, so experiences that matter to me. So I don't really want to see an email about a credit card I already have, but I do want to see things that I've been looking up, that I've been having, as I've been going through the channels. So it's important for brands to continuously be learning from their customers and reiterating and also optimizing the engagements to really better connect with their customers.
Okay. Let's talk about a few stats, and by stats, I don't mean eat less cookies, have bigger pants. It's not what we're going to talk about today, but I thought it was important to show this because an IDC report that recently published basically outlined and really highlighted the top and second investment for brands today is customer experience and customer engagements, right? Seventy eight percent of those answered that customer data is extremely significant to that and very important to them. However, that same IDC Global survey of C-suite execs basically said, hey, we're not meeting mark here. We're falling off. And so they're really sort of finding a problem that is outlined in my slide that it's a one size fits all marketing approach, and unfortunately has very little personalization. I'm happy to have presented this, and it sort of coincided with my colleague, Matt Skinner, who's in the room, who had a presentation with the Marriott Group yesterday, who basically said those exact same words. So I encourage you to check out that session, session 501 from the Marriott group. Chris Zhang basically outlined that very problem. So it was really key and really interesting to see that. So to achieve those business goals and really to drive growth, brands are saying, okay, the top goal and investment for technology investment this year is going to be to improve digital focused experiences moving forward. However, we have this sort of elephant in the room, as Emma from TBS Bank would say, that almost 60% of the experience personalization depends on third party cookies. So it's important for brands to really shift gears, and there's an urgency to move away from that as Google has that imminent third-party cookie deprecation.
Okay. So let's-- How do we get there? How do we move away from there? How do we create a cookie list future, if you will? So this slide basically outlines a chaotic process, right? And what we know is that customers are taking, gathering data from disparate systems today, from a stack of all kinds of different applications that are basically never really meant to work together. Independently, they do a good enough job, but working together isn't very efficient. So what brands tend to do is they sort of do these point-to-point integrations so they can reach some kind of interoperable state of, a baseline state of interoperability. Excuse me. The trouble with that, however, as you can see is it's often duplicative. It's definitely resource heavy, and it can be inaccurate. It can be difficult. And it takes a lot of complexity to actually build and maintain systems. So often brands are losing sight of the valuable audience related work that could actually be powering their business today. Just because of these siloed systems, they perhaps have siloed processes. At the end of it, they have siloed teams, and that results in siloed data. So not very effective.
So I love this slide because it basically shows all of these different people, all these different faces, the changing audience every day. And the starting point to really improving personalized experience is that consistent and clear understanding of that audience, right? Going through and interacting with your brand across those channels. So like I'm going through and checking out, I'm not going to say the bank's credit card offers, do they have airport lounge access, what are the fees, etcetera, etcetera. Very important for brands to focus on that. To combat these data silos, and improve user experience, deliver more value, obviously, we're trying to re-envision the audience framework, the audience creation process inside of Adobe Experience Platform. So we're excited to bring you audiences as a core currency really to transact across systems, and before we dive in, I just want to quickly point you to the last plug of the day. One last plug of the day. A really great session that happened this morning happened to be my boss, so I hope she's here or can hear me. She actually did a great session, session 508. Please do check it out on demand, really outlining the importance of a center of excellence and creating organizational readiness when it comes to a CDP. So a really cool session, session 508, and have a look at that.
Okay. So let's show you what the reimagined Adobe Experience Platform framework looks like.
So Audience Portal, which I mentioned earlier in Real-Time CDP, and Audience Composition in Adobe Journey Optimizer, they provide brands with a standardized approach, centralized standardized approach to really support the enterprise as a whole. And in order to ensure the focus is the audience, that the audience is paramount. This framework consists of three pillars. So the first pillar being, as you can see from my slides, centralized audience management and controls. So that's bringing organization and governance of audiences into a single view. We then add new tools for audience curation and refinement, and that's going to make it way easier than ever to combine and refine audiences of any kind. And finally, this is most exciting to me because I'm a marketer, cross channel connectivity. So that really is native availability of marketing and advertising for marketing, centralized cross channel marketing and activation from a central location, so that's key.
Okay. So now Adobe is providing you with a full stack audience interoperability and management, starting from a foundational standard that spans in channels and execution engines. In today's climate, you're all here for a reason. IT teams and as well as marketing teams are feeling overburdened. They're feeling under resourced, and they're overwhelmed by the onslaught of data that they're having to look at. With these new audience enhancements that Kim's going to go through in a second, we're flipping this mindset, and we're really helping brands break through silos and leverage the system interoperability so that they can become much more efficient. So Kim's going to dig into those, capabilities. Quickly, I want to just point out that quote on the bottom from-- It was a gentleman who spoke the Experience makers. I heard him yesterday. He had a great quote. The best customer experience is one you don't notice. But I couldn't remember his number, so I just put smart guy from T-Mobile. I remember he was from T-Mobile, right? So it makes sense. The best customer experience is one that you don't notice. I noticed that they had a rotten customer experience. So if it's seamless and efficient, you don't notice. It's just the way they do business. So I'll pass it over to Kim. There you go. - Thanks, Josee. - You're welcome. So audiences are a core currency across systems and platforms. The more precise your audience, the better the business value. Audience Portal is a one stop shop for audiences. So if they're a core currency, think of Audience Portal as your bank or your portfolio. We know you have a lot of different use cases for audiences. There's a lot of different industries here. So we offer a variety of way to create and import audiences, so that you can achieve that best personalization possible that Josee was talking about. So I want to share some quick highlights of each of these audience creation and curation tools. The first being our traditional Audience Builder. So you can create segment definitions using data attributes and behavioral events that are part of a customer profile. You can use data from things like Adobe Analytics or other published audiences as well. Audiences are using Boolean logic. And you can see on the right rail, you can get an estimate of an audience size, qualifying profiles, and the ability to change how often a segment is evaluated.
And speaking of segmentation, there are three frequency categories in which data is evaluated to determine which profiles will qualify for a given audience. So every 24 hours, a batch segmentation job will run automatically to update an audience to power things like email campaigns, for example. For quicker updates like social media, maybe text messaging, streaming segmentation will update an audience, as the data comes into Adobe Experience Platform. And finally, edge segmentation offers instant audience updates, enabling same page and next page personalization.
Sometimes you need more than an and or control to make an audience. So audience composition provides a set-based Waterfall creation UI, as you can see here, that is more marketer friendly, but you can integrate it with the Audience Builder that we just showed you. So essentially, you'll start with a base audience or a combination of audiences. You can enrich the audience. So maybe there's external data that you want to bring in and use it for downstream personalization. Maybe details on a local store or specific product details. You can rank your audience if you only have, let's say, a 1000 coupon codes. You want to give those to the customers with the highest propensity score. And so rank feature allows you to do that. Finally, you could split by attributes. Maybe there's some customers who prefer email versus text, and that will allow you to do that as well.
With customer AI in Adobe Real-Time CDP, you can predict the propensity of a user purchasing or churning from your product and the key drivers to the propensity to buy or churn in order to target them more effectively and increase your marketing ROI. You can use these propensity and churn scores to create audiences targeting customers who are likely to purchase or at risk at leaving.
Lookalike Audiences takes this one step further by enabling you to create expanded audiences of lookalike profiles based on existing C-dot audiences in Adobe Real-Time CDP. By using machine learning insights to identify key characteristics of existing audiences, you can discover similar profiles and target high value users to increase conversion and drive more purchases or improve cost per acquisition.
Audience analysis and Customer Journey Analytics provides insights on how an end user moves through and in and out of audiences, and how conversion metrics are impacted by the movement between audiences. So what might cause a customer to move from one Audience to another, or what characteristics correlate with one Audience performing better than another? You can find all this out with Adobe or with Audience Analytics and Customer Journey Analytics.
So there's a lot going on this slide, but I'm going to highlight a few things. In our conversations with customers, we often hear things like, we don't want to make copies of data that already lives in our data warehouse, or I have sensitive data that I don't want to ingest into the CDP, but I want to use it for engagement workflows, or we need to manage costs and maximize our existing data warehouse investments. So up until now, data had to be ingested into Adobe Experience Platform in order to make it usable. But as announced earlier in Summit, we are excited to introduce a new capability, Federated Audience Composition. This capability allows customers and users to access enterprise data warehouses and build audiences from data and systems without copying underlying data and while only ingesting what is actually needed. With Federated Audience Composition, Adobe customers can leverage the Experience platform as the brain to ensure consistent experiences across channels, work with both inbound and outbound use cases, and activate in the moment experiences with flexible workflows.
Now let's take a deeper look at some of the new features of Audience Portal.
So having all of your audiences in one place can be exciting, but your organizations have hundreds or maybe even thousands of audiences. So think to a time where you've had to share a fridge with someone, whether it's at work, maybe former housemates, maybe someone you're living with right now, and you don't know maybe where the food came from, how long it's been there, or do they still want it? Is it up for grabs? Maybe I'm going to the store to buy something, but I just realized my partner already did. And the same kind of dynamic can exist within organizations who have multiple practitioners building and managing audiences. Because of this, we've implemented a variety of features to save you time and allow you to efficiently keep up with all of your audiences. There are certain people in your organization who should have access to audiences, others that shouldn't. So you can create labels to allow or to manage this. You can also label audiences based on consent policies, privacy shields, and other labels to protect sensitive data. Tags and folders allow you to organize audiences for different campaigns, users, destinations, or other specific use cases, making collaboration easier than ever.
So enough talking from me. I'm going to take a break, and let's see it in action.
[Woman] Welcome to Audience Portal on Adobe Experience Platform. You can access Audience Portal here in the left rail. Now the ultimate goal is to keep you organized and prevent wasted time so that you can experience faster time to value as you build audiences.
So a couple things to point out here, this is our audience inventory browse page where we can see all of our audiences no matter what the source is.
I can customize the columns that I see here.
I can also resize the columns.
Right here, I can view the breakdown of how my Audiences are evaluated.
And I can choose audiences by applying different filters for the origin type, different tags, the life cycle status, how frequently my audiences are updated, who created the audience, when it was created, and when it was modified.
There are several actions that you can take from within Audience Portal, but I'd like to draw your attention to the access labels. From here, you can mark audiences that might be sensitive or contain contract labels, or you can create your own label.
Another way to stay organized is through folders.
Now, let's say I want to add a few audiences to my canceled flight folders. I can select up to 25 to move to a folder. In this case, we'll do cancelled flights.
As you can see, Audience Portal is truly a one stop shop for all things audiences.
So as Josee highlighted previously, many of you are building and using audiences in multiple systems. It takes time to rebuild an audience on Adobe Experience Platform, and you also risk losing important data that might not be part of the customer profile. But now you can bring in files of audiences create in your external systems for greater customization and campaign. Audiences built outside of Adobe Experience Platform can live side by side with audiences creative natively in Real-Time CDP. Maybe you use Customer Journey Analytics or Adobe Audience Manager. Well, no problem. You can bring those audiences in as well. The improvement in operational efficiency is significant, and all of these audiences can be activated to Real-Time CDP destinations from this audience inventory browse page. Historically, if you wanted to bring in new data, you would have to create a dataset, create a schema, describe, or declare your identities, make sure you created the correct attributes that are going to the column headers, and then ingest it in after mapping these sources. But now with this new capability, that cuts all of that out.
So let's just imagine for a minute that I'm a marketer from an airline company, and I want to send a notification or a voucher to a customer who recently had a flight cancellation. So this is my first Summit. I've loved it. It's been awesome. But I'm flying home tonight, and if I got to the airport and realized that my flight was not leaving, I would be pretty upset to say the least. I would expect the airline to be able to let me know maybe why the flight was canceled and offer some sort of compensation. Now, information about a canceled flight is not necessarily something that needs to live on the profile, for an indefinite period of time, but this can be really valuable information to help personalize your customer experience. So let's see how importing an external audience can address this use case in a very streamlined manner.
I start by opening Audience Portal. I can see all my current audiences. I go to import audience. From here, I can choose a specific file. So I go to my desktop, select the file. I can see it ingesting, and then I get a quick sample of the data. I have a person ID, which is an email address, a flight number, a long list of flight cancellations and the reason for the cancellation, cancel date, everything I need. Yep. Looks good. Let's go ahead and move forward. So it will auto populate with the name of the file uploaded, but I can rename it here if I'd like to something more specific. So I'll do flight cancellations test.
I can give it a further description if I so choose and then I'll select which column in my file is the primary ID. In this case, the customer's email address. So I'll use person ID as my primary field and then what's the value that belongs to this field? What kind of ID is it? I'll go ahead and bring up the identity namespace selection menu and I will search for email.
See, here it is. Select that.
You'll notice additional options such as adding an external audience ID, the opportunity to add merge policy to this audience, or to edit the data types. But for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to move on. Now we can review the file that we're uploading here. I can see the primary ID, the column count, and again, we're showing some sample data as well as these payload attributes. So historically, you'd have to take the time to create a schema for this dataset. But in this workflow, the CDP is automatically capturing these attributes and creating an ad hoc schema and you can just pass those attributes to downstream destinations and channels. So we see that it's been saved successfully. Fantastic. We see it here as we have test, but let's say we get rid of that. We can search for it again, do cancellations, and here it is. Now I could take this audience as it exists now, which again came from the spreadsheet here and activate it. No problem. But I can also create a new audience that uses this audience, but build in further segmentation logic with existing profile data. I'll use the Audience Builder to build a rule.
In here, we can use attribute, event, and audience data from profile. And you'll notice in the audience tab that we see in addition to audiences built in platform, we also have access to audiences that are coming in from places like Audience Manager or Customer Journey Analytics or segment match. But for this example, we're just going to select our flight cancellations. I'll go ahead and just simply drag and drop that into the audience canvas.
Here we go. I have the option to include or exclude. But, obviously, for this example, I want to include it, and then I can create additional containers. So up here, I can add a container, and then within that container, I can search for additional attributes. So I could look for something like seat preference. Yep. Drag and drop that here. I'll specify first class. Go ahead and add that.
And then additionally, I can search for something like frequent flyer status, and I can also drag and drop that in the container as well. I could bring that at it right here, and for frequent flyer, I'll specify platinum.
Now we have our attributes. We also have the Boolean logic operators. I can change this from and to or. So now we have customers with a flight cancellation who have a seat preference of first class or platinum frequent flyer status. When I go to events, these are the customer behaviors that tend to change more frequently. Let's say we sent our customers an in-app message that perhaps was dismissed. So we'll add that to the audience. And now we've got our criteria. I can add a quick name, traveler, cancellation, remarket.
I can select tags here and I can also select the evaluation method. I'm going to leave it at batch for the moment, but depending on your destination configuration, you could move this to be either streaming or edge.
So we have our new audience. I'm going to go ahead and click save. And then once the audience is saved, the next logical component of this workflow is activation.
So back to Audience Portal, we see our new audience, traveler, cancellations, remarket. Let's go ahead and jump to the audience.
We're going to activate to a destination.
We'll see those lists of destinations here and I'm going to activate to this one Facebook. Now, plot twist, you probably wouldn't send this type of communication via Facebook, but I know that's a common destination for Adobe customers. So I want to demo how that would work. So I have Facebook Custom audiences. This is a server-to-server destination, meaning that as customers qualify into this segment or disqualify out of this segment based on your audience logic, we're going to communicate in near real-time with Facebook to update the audience listed within them. Now that I have the destination selected, it's time to map the audience. We'll see that the mapping has already been preconfigured for me. So as I mentioned, we have email here as my identity namespace, and even though it's not hashed at the moment, because if you remember we're bringing in a file from unhashed email addresses, I'll need to send it to Facebook in a SHA-256 hash format. So the CDP is actually going to translate this file for me on egress over to Facebook so that it complies with the standards in which they are able to accept files in audiences. Next, we'll choose a start and end date.
And then I need to think about what is the origin of my data. Because again, the CDP has a pretty extensive data policy in terms of being able to label specific datasets and destinations and ensuring that those specific audiences that you're sending don't contain data that shouldn't marry up to that destination. There are a few options here, but in this scenario, we have signals that come directly from our customers. So I'll go ahead and select that. We'll advance to the next screen.
And here, we simply see a summary of our audience and the destination. And everything looks good, so we can go ahead and click finish. And this should map to our Facebook destination.
Perfect. Then if we want to go back to our destination screen, we can again look at the systems view. And we'll see here in our initial sources our instance of CDP, the total number of profiles, and then our configured connection or destination, here being Facebook custom audiences. And in just a few short minutes, we were able to import an audience created outside of Adobe Experience Platform, combine it with profile attributes to create a new audience, and then activate that audience to a destination to let our customers know, on a personalized level, how much we value their business, thereby increasing customer retention.
Hopefully, I didn't jinx everything and have to stay here one more night, but we'll see. Another exciting enhancement that we'll be releasing this quarter is the ability to manage the lifecycle state of your audiences. So perhaps you have seasonal audiences that you use frequently during half of the year but maybe don't need in off season, you can save time and money by essentially pausing these audiences. So they won't be evaluated again until you activate them. Even more time is saved when you activate audience from the inventory browse page rather than scrolling through a list of destinations in the UI. You also have the option to share your audiences with partners often within the Adobe, Audience Portal inventory page.
- Okay. - Good. - Back to you, Josee. - Thanks. Thank you, Kim. So great to see it in action. Really great use cases there. Before we wrap that up and let these fine folks go back to their homes, they're probably anxious to get back home. Let's have a chat with Jason, our GM of cloud and platform services for Acxiom and let's really, he'll help us take the-- Sorry. I think I need to wrap this up too, actually. It's been a long week. Sorry. Jason is going to help us take the precision of audiences in Adobe Real-Time CDP to show the outcomes they drive to another level. Jason, why don't you give us an overview of our partnership, Adobe, and Acxiom, and how it impacts Real-Time CDP? [Jason Brown] Sure. Fantastic. And thank you. Thank you for having me, and it's a pleasure to be able to chat about this late on a Thursday afternoon at the Adobe Summit, as we've been talking about. So first off, just take a step back for a minute and think of IPG, and which is holding company of which Acxiom's a part. IPG and Adobe have been partners for a long time. It's been a long and fruitful partnership that's been fantastic for both parties. So recently, the two companies have elevated that partnership to much more strategic level. We're obviously all very excited about that. There are two main parts of that partnership, and one is IPG is actually rolling out GenStudio across its creative agencies, which in its own right is tremendously exciting. More germane to what we're talking about today with CDP, Acxiom and Adobe have partnered to integrate Acxiom products and services into Adobe CDP and AEP to enhance the great features and functions that Kim has walked us through today. So three specific areas in which we're focused on and that one is identity resolution. So Acxiom's identity product Real ID is industry leading referential identity graph, which enables the application of persistent, durable identifiers at the individual and household profile level within any and all datasets that a customer would put into the CDP. The second piece concerns Acxiom's rich data assets, which consist of over 8,000 attributes across every marketable consumer in the United States. So we are integrating that data for the purpose of training the ML and AI segmentation and modeling capabilities in Adobe so that when you use those to help you form and create and perfect an audience, that rich and deep knowledge of all of these consumers in the United States is part of what that AI engine in the platform knows. And it informs it and enables it to do a very complete job of accomplishing whatever goals you've given it. And then, finally, the last piece is Acxiom's Direct Connectors product, which is a product that connects audiences to over 20 cookieless, high value publishing platforms. So think Yahoo, Amazon, Google, Meta, several connected TV providers, and others. And so we have, again, high fidelity, high accuracy, high match rate coverage with all these platforms. That is a functionality that will be directly available to Adobe customers within CDP, and will help create a seamless experience across all these capabilities.
Thank you. That's great. Thank you so much for that overview. As it relates to, it's super awesome, and I say excited a lot today. So I'm going to say awesome, cool, tremendous, great to be able to offer these capabilities to Adobe customers. Next, I'd like to take us from capability into value. So how do those products you mentioned help marketers and the folks in this room really drive better outcomes? For sure. Yeah. And that's the whole reason, right, to create value. So if you think about and I'll talk through just, I'll kind of set the stage by talking through how one would actually create an audience with these capabilities. So if you think about a brand in CDP, and you have variety of data sources, you have your first-party data, you have maybe some, whatever third-party data sources you purchased, maybe you have partner data from one of your strategic partners, so second party in this case. Foundationally, with the identity product that I mentioned, you can establish connectivity at the highest possible match rate and accuracy across all these data sources. So that's sort of your base and your foundation. From there, given the deep knowledge that we are enabling and powering the AI and ML engine inside CDP to have through the Acxiom datasets, you can now take that universe of individuals you have with the specific goals, the targets, the KPIs, the outcomes that you have intended for whatever campaign you're running. And you can leverage this AI, this rich AI capability with the data behind it to harvest from this universe the audiences that are best fit to the outcomes that you have and the objectives that you have. And then finally, once that audience is prepared and it's created, you now have the option of pushing it out to these partners with, again, these high value partners that do not depend on cookies for resolution, and use these the direct connectors product that I mentioned from Acxiom to do that in the best possible way. And a little more detail on kind of one way in which we were able to amplify the effectiveness of these audiences. So through this product that Acxiom provides to make these connections. An example, most of these platforms are some form of an email identifier type of base for connecting to customers, right? So typically speaking, every US consumer has between three and four active email addresses. Most brands, most platforms have about one of those. And so if you're a brand and you have a certain email address for the customer or the prospect you're trying to reach, and the platform you're trying to reach has a different email address, if you're going with a straight PII based match, you're not going to make that connection. Well, the Acxiom data contains all of the email addresses that are active that each consumer has. So this is just one example of how we use the power of the data and identity to amplify the capabilities that you have to reach people through AEP and CDP.
When I take a step back and if I could summarize, I would say that what I think this partnership really does is it takes all this wonderful functionality and it elevates it to a new level of effectiveness for Adobe's customers. Yep. I love it. Thank you so much. That helps tremendously in connecting capabilities to value. I think we can even take it a step further. Kim, given what Jason is saying about the Acxiom products, how can you bring this to life for us in case in the sense of a use case? - How does that relate? - Yeah. To me, the thing that comes to mind is customer acquisition, which has been really top of mind as we work to build out that capability in the coming year. These precise high value audiences will provide an opportunity for brands to acquire new customers more efficiently and at a higher rate. It'll also enable them to create amazing customer experiences, that could well, that will carry on to retention and growth in the years to come. - Yeah. - Yeah. And I'll add something to that, Josee, too as well. And it's a great example, Kim. I think the prospect in customer acquisition use case is always top of mind for every business, right? You always need to find the best new customers that you can at the greatest scale you can. For those customers, and there's one way to sort of cherry on top, if you will, some of these capabilities. For customers that license Acxiom's data already, which many do, or others that may want to, and we're working with the Adobe team to make that an easy user experience for Adobe customers.
That you can then take that universe of individuals and if you don't know-- If you have your first-party data and you want to prospect outside of that list, there's a whole wealth of discoverable individuals with rich data that you can use these capabilities to go prospect into to acquire new customers. And with that same data, driving and training the AI and ML models within Adobe, the accuracy, and the precision with which you can do that is that essentially the highest possible level. So I think it's a great way to kind of pile on that acquisitions use case. Yeah. Thanks for bringing that home. Any final thoughts, Jason, before we wrap up? This is just, again, your word excitement, right? Yeah. And it's awesome what we're doing together. And I think we're just getting started, which makes it even better because I know that the vision of Acxiom and IPG and the vision of Adobe are so aligned with how we serve our customers. And these capabilities, they just give us so many more options to do that. That's wonderful. Thank you so much for coming and speaking with us and being part of this journey with us. Last few housekeeping issues, homework. Adobe Experience Platform documentation on this very topic on Experience League, of course. There's two, certainly more to come, but certainly two documentation links there for you that are provided. Have a look and read up. And secondly, I do want to just quickly go over. We have newly released a Real-Time CDP community on Experience League. So really, to get greater value in your Adobe investment and go on this community and ask questions, talk about issues you're facing. This is a great spot for partners, for customers, for customers and partners to be part of the community and to really sort of get support from your peers along the way. This is also going to be all of these sessions for Real-Time CDP have been posted to the Experience League community, so all of the on demand sessions will all also be there, so it'll be a great space to sort of talk about what you saw this week and today and ask questions and see how you're using the tools that you learned this week. So please do have a quick look at that. I appreciate you guys coming out today. This is Kim and it's very first summit, so we really are grateful to be here. And thank you for being patient with us and kind, laughing at our jokes. Thank you.